STOP - This course is for you if...

  • you feel you don't sell yourself as well as you could.
  • you feel under pressure to get a job this year.
  • you have restricted recognition or you came to teaching later in life and you fear that it holds you back.
  • you've returned home from abroad and you want to sell the experience that you've had there in the Irish setting.
  • you're a final year student and you're clueless about how to apply for jobs.
  • you prefer to learn the skills for yourself so that you're empowered to create your job applications, proposals and applications for the future!
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In 'Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs' you will learn how to....

Create content that principals want to read

Gain a deeper understanding of their problem and learn how to tailor your content to their needs.

Feel Confident in Your SAF, CV and Letter of Application

Follow a Step by Step Process to Build Confidence, Write Your Job Applications and Create Fantastic Applications!

Apply less, but apply better so that you have more free time but get better results

Target your top schools instead of sending 100s of applications using simple ways to tailor your application.

Tell them all about you - without losing their interest 

It's a fine line between writing too much and boring them and not writing enough - so that they have little to go on. Learn how to pack a punch with your job application with this course.

Feel reassured that you're doing the right things

Follow the steps laid out in this course to feel reassured that what you're writing and feeling in best practice when applying for jobs.

Gain an insight into what's happening for principals too

Understand why there might be delays with recruitment, how principals feel and what they are indeed, looking for in potential teachers for their school.

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Imagine If....

  • You felt hopeful each time you sent off an application.
  • Applying for jobs was easier because you knew precisely what to say to  create an authentic and impressive job application.
  • You felt reassured that you are writing the right kinds of information and your job application is 'good enough'. 
  • You felt less rejected because you accept that the system is unfair for some but you know the right opportunity will arise for you.
  • This is the year you've decided to move home by hook or by crook - and your job hunt was easier because you simply followed the steps in this course.
  • Your move back home meant that you had the opportunity to set up home in the area that you want in a school that suits you.
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Frequently Asked Questions

👩‍🏫 How is this course different from cheaper courses that are available?

This course costs more than other courses out there on the same theme.

❌ It's not the same, however.

Because I am a coach, this course aims to help you make better job applications from the inside out.

The truth is you will find the job application process very difficult if you believe that...
❌ you can't do it.
❌ you hate interviews and always fall apart at them.- it's so boring tailoring job applications.
❌ I'm always rejected anyway.

In this course, we look at your beliefs about job seeking so that you begin from a place that is hopeful, proud and you'll be confident that you've made a real difference in how you apply for jobs.
You'll learn
🎯 new ways to sell yourself
🎯 better ways to outline your teaching experiences
🎯 how to make your form scannable so that your most impressive information stands out most. 

👩‍🏫 How long does it take to complete?

The course is relatively short and takes between 3 - 5 hours to complete. Perfect to learn lots of useful information quickly!

👩‍🏫 There are other courses available already

I want to address this from the outset. I know that last year,  there were other job-seeking courses out there. Some were even cheaper than mine. I know that.

🧩 If you've been following me for a while now though, you'll know 🤩 that I know my stuff.

🏫 I've spent a huge amount of time reaching out to principals, coaches and those who hire staff regularly to learn what they're looking for and to find the latest changes inside and outside of education. 🎯 That's what you're getting in this 'Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs'. 

👩‍🏫 Why should I invest?

If, in the past you've sent out tens or hundreds of applications... 😖 this is a red flag that there's something that you need to change in your approach to applying for jobs.

🔷 If you've never tried other approaches - THIS  is the time to invest early in the season to give yourself the best chance at securing interviews!

🤔 Each September, I am inundated with requests for SAF reviews from teachers who had not invested in my services and had missed out on opportunities during the summer time.

💥 Can you afford NOT to invest in your job-seeking skills?

👩‍🏫 I’m newly qualified this year: Is this too advanced for me?

Not at all, my course is the ideal investment for you too. While I’m addressing the mindset behind applying for jobs – fear of rejection and fear of lack - 💥 this is something that MOST job seekers go through. This content is for teachers at any stage in their careers.

As a Newly Qualified Teacher – imagine if you learned these skills from the outset? Imagine if, as a result of starting off on the right foot you experienced the process easier than NQTs did in the past because you are doing the right things now?!

🤩 That would be pretty amazing, wouldn't it?!

👩‍🏫 Will this course show me what I need to do to get a temporary job?

😉 My experience with NQTs, experienced teachers and those in management roles - means that I am ideally placed to understand what principals are looking for when it comes to recruitment in education.

🏫 If your aim is to get a temporary job, I suggest investing time and money in your career development, building your own self-belief and creating as many opportunities for yourself to succeed as possible. 

😃 If you use the content in this course to outline both your hard skills (ICT, sports, curricular interests etc.) and your soft skills (communication, teamwork, empathy etc.) you will have a much greater understanding of the process and it should result in you having better results in the job application process. *Disclaimer – If you lack the skills necessary to be an effective teacher and teaching is not really the profession for you - then this course cannot give you those skills or improve your reputation as a teacher.

🌞 It CAN, however, help you to shine in the job application process!

🎯 If you want to increase your chances of securing a job that you will be paid for next summer – this course will help you do that!

👩‍🏫 Is this course suitable for those applying for management positions?

😎 This course is aimed primarily at those applying for mainstream and SET roles in Ireland.

Check out this masterclass ⬅ to learn more about how to effectively apply for leadership roles using the 4 Domains, the LAOS competencies and the statements outlined in the LAOS document. 

👩‍🏫 Is this course suitable for post primary teachers?

😁 Yes, indeed. I review post-primary teacher CVs and Application Forms on a regular basis.

🧭The content in this course is suitable for you as a post-primary teacher too.

👩‍🏫 I want to apply for Educate Together/CNSs - will this course help me?

Yes - the feedback from principals is that 😨 the ethos section is very poor in general when applying to ET and CNSs.

💡 I have sections in the course dedicated to both types of schools - to give a deeper understanding and encourage you to reflect on whether or not you are a good match.

🤩 After these lessons, you will be empowered to make a better application to Educate Together and Community National Schools. 

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Here's What Teachers and Principals Say About The Course

"This course is fantastic because it covers all aspects of job hunting in education".   

Megan's response to 'Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs' was very positive.

"Orla helped me secure my job last year"  

Stephanie shares her honest thoughts about the course.

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“Wow! Where was this 10 years ago?! As a principal, I see a big gap in the Irish market for teachers applying for jobs. Orla has put together a fantastic course, sharing her wealth of knowledge and expertise from CVs and SAFs to confidence building in interviews.
I would recommend this course for anyone in the teaching sector from first time applicants NQTs to established teachers making a move. Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat. ”

Primary School Principal

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“When I receive application forms for jobs, I look for people who want to work in our school. Orla's course not only offers you good advice on preparing application forms, she gives you the tools to make your application the best it can be, to tailor it to the school that you want to work in. ”

Principal - Carlow ETNS

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“Orla’s course ‘Selling Yourself’ is easy and interesting to read with very helpful tips. I found the sample letter section very nice to read - completely different to one I'd write. Also, the videos are helpful – particularly the one with filling in SAF was very effective.
This is a step by step guide of everything you need to know while applying for jobs. It breaks every step down into small manageable and straightforward steps. Filling out a SAF/Cover Letter with the aid of this course will make very clear applications and more confidence in how you are filling them out. ”

NQT (1 year out)

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Save Time and Energy

Many NQTs (and job changers) don't know where to BEGIN when applying for jobs. This course answers all your questions about SAFs, CVs, Letters of Application and how to remain positive while you wait for the right opportunity to arise.

Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs - will help you save time and energy by setting off on the right foot - FIRST TIME AROUND!

Selling Yourself Page graphics
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What Further Teachers Are Saying

“Before completing this course the thought of completing an SAF was very daunting and overwhelming for me. I had so many unanswered questions. This course has really guided me in the right direction and given me a lot to think about for when I do get the chance to fill out my first SAF! Tailored vs. Blanket Applications and Special Interests sections - I will definitely use all this info when going to complete my SAF's.

Having a positive and confident mindset is so important and the array of examples provided in the course gave me a great understanding of how to get that across when completing the standard application form. I think it is a perfect length, and the fact you can jump in and out of selected tasks is an added bonus, it has all the necessary information and is straight to the point.

Also, this course is lovely bright and colourful. This 'Selling Yourself' course has really given me confidence to approach it my SAF in a clear and concise way!”

Arlene Campbell - NQT

Happy ....promising....upbeat..... .determined. Not too heavy on information... but still loaded. No fluff! It was a good length - quick to get through but still easy to navigate and success reached fast. Having done so much with you last year for me the best bit of all was the sample letter information is concise and to the point. Easy to access and clearly laid out.

The information is very easily explained... and easy to go back and find information if I needed to reference it again.

Orla has offered so much help and advice to her "family" of clients. Having undertaken this course and with Orla's help and support I have found a drastic shift in my attitude towards job applications.

I know that job season is an emotional rollercoaster of a time in a teacher's career but I know with the correct guidance from Orla and her wisdom that it is a much more optimistic and positive experience now.

I would highly recommend Orla, this course and all of her products.

Bernadette - Recently Promoted School Principal


You developed the confidence in your ability to sell yourself and you know that you can  get that across to the selection committee.

Selling Yourself - The Complete Course For Applying For Teaching Jobs will help you easily identify and share your area of expertise so that your application stands out from the others!

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