Help! I've an Interview in a Week! The Complete 'How to Answer... ' Leadership Interview Course for Teachers

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⭐ It's BRILLIANT when an interview goes your way! 

👉 My mantra is - "You either WIN or you LEARN"

🤩 Interview Reframes - Simple Steps for Success and Flops is a short (30 min) Masterclass to guide you to reflect on your learning so that you LEARN to be kind to yourself and which alternative thought patterns are available to you after an interview. 

🧭 An important step to rebuild and maintain your confidence as you progress as a leader. 

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Help! I've an Interview in a Week! The Complete 'How to Answer... ' Leadership Interview Course for Teachers

Got an interview coming up soon and panicking about your interview skills?

👌 I got you covered!

Designed for aspiring school leaders who secure interviews last minute and those who want to be well-informed when it comes to improving their interview skills - this course will teach you...

  • How to answer questions based on the four domains.
  • How to talk about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • How to come across as enthusiastic and knowledgeable.
  • How to have a variety of strategies for your interview (e.g. what you will do if you can't answer the question).
  • How to effectively use the STAR technique and more...

In each of these short - 'How do I answer the... 'X type' question?'  - I outline what they are looking for and give you vocabulary and impressive phrases to answer the question - using evidence to show that you have similar experiences from your past.

  • You will become clear on what to say and how to say it.
  • You will understand the interview process a lot better and
  • You will save tonnes of time doing research on online platforms and websites for pieces of information.

'Help, I've an Interview in a Week' is a one-stop shop for teachers preparing for leadership interviews. 

EUR 297
Total due EUR 297

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