Doing a Teaching Interview Soon?

Let me show you how to impress!

Hey there - Is this you?

  • you feel you don't sell yourself as well as you could in interviews.
  • you feel that you can do the job well but you want to do yourself justice in the interview.
  • you have had mediocre interviews in the past and this time you want to really show them what you can do.
  • you'd love to get the job but feeling prepared, equipped and ready to share your experience is also important to you.
  • you're an experienced teacher who would love to move home to your own county and you fear that your interview skills are very rusty. 

Imagine If....

  • Your interview skills secured you - your dream job?
  • You felt equipped with the STAR technique and the best interview skills in education.
  • You were empowered and relaxed because you had immediate access to videos, tools, vocabulary and strategies that will build your confidence and show you what's been missing in your interviews in the past. 
  • You had one course that gave you all the information that you'll need to confidently prepare you for all interviews that arise for you. You saved loads of time trawling through online forums and social media. 
  • You felt reassured that you are offering all you can in your interview and if things don't go your way - that you and that school weren't the right match this time. 
  • You had a course that will guide you as a teacher who has lots of experience abroad - to understand the interview process in the Irish setting.
  • You had guidance and tips for answers to your burning questions - because you're unsure what they were asking in your last interterview.

Are you useless at selling yourself in interviews? 

Hello, I'm Orla Dempsey. I'm the Teacher Promotion Coach I coach teachers to secure leadership roles. I have a 71% success rate and counting.

BUT... Interviews weren't always comfortable experiences for me...

I'm naturally quiet and interviews were my downfall for many years - because I really dislike being put in the spotlight!  Sound familiar?

Over the years, I've let go of the inner thoughts like 'Don't be boasting about yourself' or 'Who are you to say that?' or 'There are others out there that do this better than you' - and I learned to believe in myself more. 

✅ Since developing my coaching business, I've spoken to 100s of teachers who feel that they waffle, lack experience in interviews and who want to do themselves justice in the interview seat.

✅ I've developed ways to take away that 'icky' feeling of selling yourself and show you that stories are the best way to show what you have to offer. 

✅ I've used career coaching tools and insights to show teachers how to implement themes and targeted vocabulary to show evidence for their interviews.

Inside 'Knock Your Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers'- I show you how to do these things too. 

What Teachers Are Saying

5 Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers

⭐ Unsure what to say in interviews? ⭐ Fear that you waffle - but don't know how to stop? ⭐  Tired of repeating questions over and over again?

'Knock Their Socks Off' is for teachers looking to improve their confidence in interviews and build up a bank of targetted interview techniques.

Designed for NQTs and experienced teachers - there is no other course like this available to prepare teachers for interviews. 

📲 Jam-packed with short videos (1 - 5 mins) this course will help you feel inspired, confident and calmer because you can now show them that you are unique.

Here's what Niamh (a Primary School Principal) had to say about it:

"I would highly recommend Orla’s ‘Knock Their Socks Off’ Interview Course. The content is relevant and focused for teachers. It is an excellent course for any teacher who wants to cover fully all aspects of preparation for interviews. It is a great collection of relevant and appropriate advice and knowledge all in one place". 

✨ Go ahead and Knock Their Socks Off!

EUR 67.00

“I learned so much from this course! Orla really simplified everything and didn't give any unnecessary information she just kept it to the point which I found amazing! I loved how she went through the STAR technique and how to use it in an interview. I always found the "tell me about yourself" question in an interview tricky but with Orla's help and her idea of the PAWS technique, I feel so much more comfortable. Thank you so much Orla, I really feel I have a structure for interviews now and I can't wait to try out the new techniques. ”

2 years qualified

5 Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers

⭐ Unsure what to say in interviews? ⭐ Fear that you waffle - but don't know how to stop? ⭐  Tired of repeating questions over and over again?

'Knock Their Socks Off' is for teachers looking to improve their confidence in interviews and build up a bank of targetted interview techniques.

Designed for NQTs and experienced teachers - there is no other course like this available to prepare teachers for interviews. 

📲 Jam-packed with short videos (1 - 5 mins) this course will help you feel inspired, confident and calmer because you can now show them that you are unique.

Here's what Niamh (a Primary School Principal) had to say about it:

"I would highly recommend Orla’s ‘Knock Their Socks Off’ Interview Course. The content is relevant and focused for teachers. It is an excellent course for any teacher who wants to cover fully all aspects of preparation for interviews. It is a great collection of relevant and appropriate advice and knowledge all in one place". 

✨ Go ahead and Knock Their Socks Off!

EUR 67.00

“I can’t believe how beneficial the course was. I was ecstatic to see how much was jam-packed into the course from tips on the Irish questions, to interview criteria to the STAR technique. I have my re-interview in a couple of weeks and I won’t need to pull out my notes from last year as this course has everything I need and more. Before this course, I would have said that I would have preferred a 1-1 interview session because I prefer to get feedback tailored to my own needs. However, I found the course very beneficial and it answered any questions I would have asked in my 1-1 session! I would 100% recommend this course to anyone interviewing for jobs this Summer. It is absolutely amazing". ”

2 years qualified

For Just €197 -  you will...


All the content you need for leadership interviews in education - all in one place! Videos are focused on the themes, questions and types of preparation that you'll need to implement in the run up to your leadership interview. No need to trawl through forums and search online to do your interview with confidence in record time. 


Gather the necessary vocabulary on leadership qualities, time management, teambuilding, SSE, conflict and lots more and tell your stories in simple, easy to remember and highly effective interview answers.


More opportunites coming up? You retain full access to the course material for life. Use the Simplero app to listen to your course on the go and at your leisure. You'll have access to the content for any roles that arise in the future.


Access my best content from working with 100s of teachers in 1-1 sessions - this course is jam packed with all the best learning points, the common pitfalls that I see and I set you back on the right path.


Each video is designed to address one question or concern you may have so that you get the answer you need immediately. With the accfessibility on the app - you can access and improve your skills - one video at a time. 


Follow the steps laid out in this course to feel equipped with strategies so that you won't waffle and your stories hit the nail on the head!

🤩 What Teachers Are Saying 🤩

5 Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers

⭐ Unsure what to say in interviews? ⭐ Fear that you waffle - but don't know how to stop? ⭐  Tired of repeating questions over and over again?

'Knock Their Socks Off' is for teachers looking to improve their confidence in interviews and build up a bank of targetted interview techniques.

Designed for NQTs and experienced teachers - there is no other course like this available to prepare teachers for interviews. 

📲 Jam-packed with short videos (1 - 5 mins) this course will help you feel inspired, confident and calmer because you can now show them that you are unique.

Here's what Niamh (a Primary School Principal) had to say about it:

"I would highly recommend Orla’s ‘Knock Their Socks Off’ Interview Course. The content is relevant and focused for teachers. It is an excellent course for any teacher who wants to cover fully all aspects of preparation for interviews. It is a great collection of relevant and appropriate advice and knowledge all in one place". 

✨ Go ahead and Knock Their Socks Off!

EUR 67.00

“"I would highly recommend Orla’s ‘Knock Their Socks Off’ Interview Course. The content is relevant and focused for teachers. It is an excellent course for any teacher who wants to cover fully all aspects of preparation for interviews. It is a great collection of relevant and appropriate advice and knowledge all in one place". ”

Primary School Principal

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“This course has everything you will need to improve your interview skills for teaching jobs. My favourite part of the course is that you’re able to choose exactly what you want to be answered at each step along the course. I highly recommend 'Knock Your Socks Off – Interview Skills For Teachers' because the videos are clear, you can watch them in your own time and pause them when you need to. Thanks Orla.”

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions that people most frequently ask me:

🤩Who Is ‘Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers’ for?

‘Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers’ is for primary and post-primary teachers securing jobs at the teaching level.

If you’re in a rush, and you want immediate support to prepare for an upcoming interview – this course will equip you with knowledge of the STAR technique, the PAWS technique and lots more vocabulary and strategies. Expect to see impactful ways to prepare in a confident way for interviews.

🤩 What’s Included in the ‘Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills For Teachers’ Course?

This is the best investment you’ll make in your career.

  • You’ll get access to 50+ short (1+ min) videos specially designed for the Irish teachers.
  • Instantly downloadable resources so that you can reflect, prepare questions and plan what you will say to create authentic interview answers.
  • Check out the exact interview videos covered below. 
  • Lifetime access to all course content. 

🤩 Should I purchase this course in advance?

As soon as you know that you'll be applying for jobs this year – you can purchase this course in advance. Anytime you have some free time you can watch some videos and improve your interview skills.

It is equally effective however, if you get a last-minute interview offer.

🤩 How long does it take to complete?

The short videos in 'Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills For Teachers' mean that you can make a massive difference in your professional interview development in just 1 hour. 

Others may choose to do the course over a number of weeks. In beta mode - participants went through all the videos they needed to watch in 2 hours or less. It is very digestible - with no waffle! And you can access the content on the Simplero app to listen on the go!

🤩 What if I don't have the money?

If, in the past, you've been for loads of interviews - but you don't get offered the job... this is a red flag that there's something that you need to change in building your interview skills.

If the only preparation you've done for interviews is recording loads of questions and answers in your interview copy - and you've never tried other approaches - perhaps now is the time to invest in your career to give yourself the best chance at securing your dream teaching role. 

Can you afford NOT to invest in your interview skills?

🤩 I’m newly qualified this year: Is this too advanced for me?

Yes - 'Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills for Teachers' is ideal for you!

The fact that you'll have lifetime access to the course means that you'll be able to return to the course year after year as you prepare for interviews and reinterviews. 

🤩 Orla - You're not a principal? Why should I trust you?

Yes, I am a teacher, that's part of super power. I have felt the rejection. I've travelled miles and miles for job interviews. I've accepted jobs in the wrong schools. I've looked for jobs outside of education.
.... and I bring all of that experience with me in this course.

I have now developed my skills in course creation so that I can help more and more people learn to create marvellous job applications who otherwise, may not get a chance to work 1-1 with me.

I am not a principal... but I have spent hours on top of hours connecting with principals looking for their insights because I know that each principal looks for slightly different attributes in teachers. So in fact, that is so much more beneficial because I take into account the many voices who represent the principals of Ireland.

🤩 Is this course suitable for post primary teachers?

Yes, indeed. I work with post-primary teachers on a regular basis. The content in this course is suitable for you as a post-primary teacher too. 

🤩 I know how to use the STAR technique - will I still find the 'Knock Their Socks Off' course useful?

Yes - you will. It's great to see that many job application forms encourage the use of the STAR approach when applying for jobs. It is a fantastic way of outlining for them what they want to learn about you.

HOWEVER, from 1-1 sessions, I find that teachers need extra support to understand how to use it effectively with the right kinds of vocabulary and sentence structure. This course will help you get to the point and stop any waffling!

🤩 Is a pre-recorded course as effective as a 1-1 session?

In the beta research for the course, participants found that the content greatly enhanced their interview skills solo. Why? Because it gave them access to information that they never accessed before online and would ever have come up with solo.

This 'Knock Their Socks Off' course reassured them, gave them new skills and confidence and they were equipped to do better interviews as a result. 

Doing the course is different to a 1-1 session. Working 1-1 with me means that you will get direct feedback and I will acknowledge and reflect back to you what you are already doing well. 

Following the advice in the course means that you will independently be improving your skills - in many ways, it is more comprehensive and accessible than a 1-1 session. If there is no time on my calendar - rest assured that the course will greatly enhance your interview skills. 

🤩 Is this course suitable for applying for leadership positions?

No - 'Knock Their Socks Off' is designed to cover the questions and concerns of teachers applying for mainstream and SET roles. 

I have designed my course called 'Help! I've an Interview in a Week'  to help teachers apply for AP posts, DP posts and Principal roles in education. 

🤩 How do I know if I should do a 1-1 or do the course?

If there is time on my calendar (sometimes there is! at other times, it's limited) you can work with me 1-1. The one big skill that I have is calming my clients. They often tell me that chatting with me simplifies everything and makes them feel more prepared and relaxed about the interview process. If you are extremely nervous - then a 1-1 interview session would be beneficial. 

However, this course can help all teachers feel better prepared, and more equipped to do successful interviews. 

What's Inside 'Knock Your Socks Off -

Interview Confidence Coaching Skills for Teachers'?

Here's the incredible course content that you'll get access to inside the course platform!

 Module 1:  Introduction

  • Welcome to the Course
  • Download the App
  • Your Thoughts 

 Module 2: Questions about Interview Preparation in General

  • How do I sell myself?
  • How do I use the STAR technique?
  • How do I prepare for a primary level interview?
  • How do I prepare for a post primary level interview?
  • How do I answer a question if I’m unsure what they are looking for?
  • How do I use power verbs in interviews?
  • How should I interview as an experienced teacher?

  Module 3:  All About Interview Energy and Nerves

  • How do I stop telling myself that this is a difficult time?
  • How do I stop waffling?
  • How do I stop interview nerves?
  • How do I talk positively about myself, others and past schools?
  • How do I develop a strategy for my interview?
  • How do I communicate non-verbally in interviews?

  Module 4: Showing That I’m Competent as a Teacher.

  • How do I show that I can work in a team?
  • How do I show that I'm proficient in IT?
  • How do I show that I'm competent planning for lessons?
  • How do I show that I can delegate?

 Module 5: Preparing for Interviews for Unusual Teaching Settings

  • How do I do interviews in Ireland when returning from abroad?
  • How do I do interviews for hospitals, prisons and early start settings?

 Module 6: STAR Technique Questions

  • How should I respond to ‘would’ questions?
  • How do I show EVIDENCE in interview answers?
  • Why do I need to ‘zip-it’?
  • Useful Stories to Prepare

 Module 7: How do I Know what Kind of Interview Questions I May be Asked?

  • How to understand interview criteria pdf.

 Module 8: Assessing My Interview Performance

  • How do I evaluate my interview performance?
  • How do I know if I'm not using the STAR technique effectively?
  • Did I tell the truth in my interviews?

 Module 9: Typical Interview Questions

  • How do I answer the ‘Tell us about yourself’ question?
  • How should I answer the ethos question?
  • Ethos: Applying to Educate Together Schools
  • Ethos: Applying to Community National Schools
  • How do I answer the strengths and weaknesses question?
  • What do I wear?
  • How do I develop interview coping strategies?

 Module 10: The Irish Question

  • How do I answer the Irish question in interviews?
  • Cupla Ceisteanna!

 Module 11: Further Competencies That They May be Looking For

  • How do I answer the question on time management?
  • How do I answer the question about involving parents?
  • How do I answer how dealing with a child protection disclosure?
  • How do I answer the question - give a brief outline of any relevant experience - both before and after you became a teacher?
  • How do I give my ideas to the school without criticising them in interviews?

 Module 12: Conclusion

  • When will you revisit the content?
  • Thank you and your thoughts

Doing effective interviews is a skill - a skill that you've never learned before. That's why many teachers struggle with feeling that they did well in interviews - but I can help. 

In 'Knock Their Socks Off - Interview Confidence Skills For Teachers' - you will learn how to create a better strategy to perform well in interviews - with confidence, control, precision and you will do yourself justice. 

Learning techniques like - how to answer a question if you're unsure of the answer, how to use the STAR technique, why you need to show enthusiasm and lots more - this course will blow other interview supports out of the water.

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Pricing options

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  • Access all content immediately to begin preparing for your interviews
  • Access everything via the handy Simplero app or on your desktop
  • Videos downloadable resources and tips and tricks!
  • Get access to my private Facebook Group 'Staff Only' for further support, networking and learning from others. 
  • Lifetime access. 


Get in touch!

Thank you so much! I'll be in touch shortly.