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Copy of FREE LAOS Minicourse for Teachers and School Leaders (Facebook Post)

Principals and School Leaders - here are some of the ways you've made changes in your school...

  • You have used LAOS and held school discussions about the NEEDS OF YOUR PUPILS AND SCHOOL and you have IMPLEMENTED IMPORTANT CHANGES.
  • You are PLEASED BY THE WORK YOUR ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS ARE DOING and you notice that they were great choices and have staff 'buy-in'. 

Wouldn't It Be Wonderful If....

You had SIMPLE, ACTIONABLE AND CREATIVE STEPS that meet the LAOS statements of best practice.

You had guidance and STEP-BY-STEP IDEAS to make your school EVEN BETTER in 2024/2025.

LAOS was EASY TO IMPLEMENT in your school and your Middle and Senior Leadership teams could PASS ON NEW, TARGETTED IDEAS TO TEACHERS in an easy and effective way. 

You had CONCRETE TOOLS TO REFLECT on LAOS and you knew that the actions that you were taking are good enough.

Your middle and senior leadership teams - could LEARN AND ACCESS LEADERSHIP FOCUSED CPD - simultaneously in a simple, straightforward way and THE SCHOOL BENEFITS AS A RESULT.

A Little About Me

Hi I’m Orla!

I am The Teacher Promotion and Teacher Development Mentor and creator of the 'Walking Around Your School - Looking for Evidence of LAOS' document. 

I've been leading my own small business since 2017 - to one that's growing and flourishing in 2023. 

In the early days - it was small. NOBODY KNEW ABOUT ME. I had multiple part time jobs (including subbing ) to make ends meet for many years. 


Over time - I learned to work from my strengths, work with  mentors and coaches and it's ALL STARTING TO PAY OFF.

In 2021, I established the FIRST TEACHER MEMBERSHIP GROUP CALLED THE TEACHERS' PROMOTION CLUB which is designed to help teachers build on what they have learned in leadership courses and secure the leadership role that they desire!

I have fully transitioned from teaching and HAD MY FIRST €14,000 MONTH IN 2022.

I am the CREATOR OF CV SUCCESS ACADEMY THE FIRST, FREE CV COURSE FOR IRISH TEACHERS - designed to help them improve their job application skills and she is the creator of an AP CV template – widely used by teachers to apply for AP roles. 

I know that schools too, benefit from new ideas and making SCHOOL PLANNING EASIER AND MORE EFFECTIVE and that's what I love to do. 

Having helped 1,000s of teachers prepare for interviews, develop professionally and to build their leadership skills - I KNOW THAT THE KEY TO LAOS IS TO MAKE UNDERSTANDING THE LEADERSHIP QUALITIES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND.

Why This Course?





  • This course is exclusively designed for schools and senior school leaders.
  • Learn, in simple terms, what LAOS and they want in their school leaders and find simple ways to develop the leadership skills and bring new experiences to school teams.
  • Improve your SSE process, identify new ways of meeting the LAOS standards.
  •   If your school has a DEIS or SSE target that you'd like to gather new ideas for - this course will inspire new ideas and provoke important discussions amongst staff.
  • LAOS - SSE and DEIS Planning will help your post holders to access 'coaching style' support at any time which will empower them to think, reflect and grow faster than they would on their own.
  • This course is a fantastic add-on and refresher for any teacher who has done leadership courses in education.
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Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions principals and BOM members ask about the course.

🎯 I'm interested in this course for my middle leadership team. How many teachers can sign up?

1. The 'Silver' Pricing Tier supports one leader in their leadership journey.

2. The 'Gold' Tier allows a maximum of 10 teachers per school to access the course and learn along with their colleagues.

🎯 How does the 'Gold' Tier work?

Want your leadership team to reflect on LAOS in a new, easy and effective way? That's what the Gold Tier is for! Each team member can access the online course from their own desktop or mobile app as a member of the course with their own login details. Each school at this level gets 10 licences and other teachers can be added for a small extra fee.  Simply send me the names and email addresses of the teachers that you wish to be added to the site and I'll add them and they can begin learning.

🎯 How does this course differ from other leadership webinars?

The big thing about this course is that schools get ongoing access to this course - so that teachers can watch and re-watch the videos and access ideas over and over again. There is no need to wait around for LAOS CPD. This course is available when you need it. Teachers love the accessibility of my online courses. 

🎯 How long is this offer available for?

LAOS - The Four Domains for SSE and DEIS Planning For School Leaders is available for Pre-Sale for schools until November 10th. After that, it will still be available but the prices will rise. It is estimated that the investment will be €597 and €1297 respectively.

Be sure to get in before then!

🎯 What does it mean to be a 'teacher development' mentor?

In the 'Teacher Development' side of my business, teachers get help to BE a better communicator, act in more productive and effective ways and recognise that their efforts that have made a difference.

Having access to coaching means that teachers are empowered to reflect on their key leadership qualities. 

🎯 What does this course cover?

LAOS: The Four Domains for SSE and DEIS Planning For School Leaders includes information such as

  • Taking a bird's eye view of LAOS. I take a coaching style approach here to explain why the document is important from a human behaviour perspective.
  • LAOS 2022 - I explain the updated version and the changes that have been made.
  • Deep Diving into the 16 Standards/Competencies - this area explains them in more detail and gives lots of ideas about how schools and individuals are meeting them.
  • Understanding the core soft skills: 'What are they actually looking for? This section infers the top skills from LAOS and guides teachers to reflect on whether (or not) they have developed those skills.
  • Sample ideas: These tools are a treasure trove of information that your school team will come to again and again for future reference. 
  • Accessibility: With short videos and guidance - this course will get your team learning in no time. Perfect for SSE and DEIS Plans AND WSEs!
  • Reflection Tools: Each domain has its own reflection tool which you can print and reflect as an individual or as a leadership team. 

🎯 Is this course suitable for post-primary teachers?

Yes, indeed. All information in the course is relevant to schools at Primary Level and Post Primary Level.

🎯 You’re not a principal – what makes you qualified to talk about LAOS?

As a Coach and Mentor since 2017, I aim to empower teachers and schools to a greater awareness of how teachers can improve leadership and their own personal development. As an independent observer, I am in a fantastic position to meet with hundreds of teachers each year and get a sense of what teachers need from their school leaders. My clients find this wide perspective helpful and reassuring. 

🎯 I want more than 10 licences - how much is it to add more staff licences?

Great - I'd be delighted to help your staff understand The Four Domains better and build their leadership skills. Each licence will be €49 to add to the cost of your course. Simply purchase the Gold Tier Price Level and send me an email (to with how many extra licences you'd like to purchase.  Each person upon payment will get access to their own portal and access on the app also.

Pricing options

Pick The Option That Best Fits Your Needs.



Suitable for Individuals and Senior School Leaders

(1 licence)




Suitable for Middle and Senior School Leadership Teams

(10 licences)

What Leaders Are Saying

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“This course helps school leaders to take the reins on LAOS. It's personal, simple and easy to follow. I liked that it helps leaders to interpret the document in their own way. It will certainly help leaders build confidence and awareness into what LAOS is all about!”

Retired School Principal

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“I love to have lists to assess how I'm developing professionally. Along with the LAOS document beside me, this course allows me to do that. For self reflection and personal development - this is a really, really useful course. ”

Post Primary Teacher

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“The examples were really good. I picked up ideas that I'll definately implement in my classroom - very doable real-life suggestions. I know I can go back over the information in the course again and again.”

Post Primary Teacher. AP1

What Does the Course Include?

LAOS: The Four Domains for SSE and DEIS Planning For School Leaders consists of... 

  • Short Coaching-Style Videos on the LAOS Competencies: I take a coaching style approach and give an overview of the skills and competencies along with a short explanation of the updated version and the changes that have been made. Videos range from 5-15 mins max.
  • Sample ideas: The downloadable tools are a treasure trove of information that your school team will come to again and again for future reference. 
  • Accessibility: With short videos and guidance - this course will get your team learning in no time. Perfect for SSE and DEIS Plans AND WSEs!
  • Reflection Tools: Each domain has its own reflection tool which you can print and reflect as an individual or as a leadership team. 
Facebook post

I know that you are an  OPEN, INTERESTED SCHOOL LEADER with a GROWTH MINDSET focused on making a difference in your school.

  • You PARTAKE IN REGULAR CPD with an intention of gathering ideas and GETTING A SENSE of initiatives that could work in your school. 

You’ve been mentored and guided by others and their guidance has meant NEW IDEAS and NEW REALISATIONS for you.