The Key Strategies to Answer the ‘Have You Any Questions for Us?’ Question Mini-Course

Know what to say to leave the interview feeling satisfied and empowered AND...

Find your Leadership ‘Unique Selling Point and communicate it clearly and confidently in interviews.

The 'Key Strategies to Answer The Have Your Any Questions For Us' Course is for you IF...

✨ You KNOW you should say something at the end of the interview - but you're not sure what to say.

🎁 You want to add value and show them something new about you - you're just not sure what your 'pitch' is just yet. 

💪 You're tempted to say that your strengths are that you're 'hard-working' and 'organised' - because they are true and you don't know what other 'selling points' are. 

🏫 You've read LAOS inside out and the terms seem impressive but 'forced' when it comes to repeating them in interviews. 

😀 You haven't realised that most teachers say that they are 'hardworking' and 'organised'.

🌟 You want an easy way to come up with your unique selling points so that they feel authentic and true to you. 

Here's What You'll Get Access To...

🤩 5 approaches for this 'end of interview' question so you'll have a plan to know what to say.

❓ Understanding the 'Any Questions' Phase - Understand why I suggest keeping things simple at this stage. 

🔎 Identifying your leadership 'unique selling point' so that you can explain it to the interviewers

🌟 Learn strategies to articulate your Leadership USP confidently and succinctly.

📝Simple exercises for self-reflection and identifying your personal leadership strengths leading to an increased atmosphere of self-awareness and a decreased reliance on the jargon from LAOS.

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