The Incredible AP Bundle

Designed for those applying for AP roles and those who want to make an impact in their interviews!

Here's what (incredibly!) you'll get access to...

👩‍💻 My recommended CV Template - communicate your experience with ease and clarity.

✅ Cover Letter Template - avoid re-hashing your CV/Job Application (BO-Ring!) with these tried-and-tested cover letter ideas. 

💪 Power Verbs resource - print these verbs off to add real IMPACT to your application and interview. 

❓ 40+ AP Questions - A fantastic list of questions to BEGIN PREPARING and learn more about how to use the STAR technique in competency-based interviews. 

📽 5 No-Brainer Interview Videos (my MOST POPULAR videos from course participants).

⭐ STAR Technique Workbook - Use this workbook to plan out each question under the headings - SITUATION, TASK, ACTION AND RESULT. 

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