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  • AP Offerings: Learn all about them here. 
  • DP and Principal Offerings: Learn all about them here. 

Alternatively, get in touch at hello@orladempseycoaching.ie


BUT... Before you go...

Do you Want Something FREE? 

Wondering how many stories you'll need for your leadership interview? Perhaps you're unsure which competencies they will be checking for as you do your competency based interview. 

In this simple LAOS downloadable guide - I give you a clear overwier of the stories you need to prepare and advice aboout how to use verbs to tell your stories effectively.

This guide will be the cornerstone of your senior leadership interview preparation. 

Copy of Copy of Secret Career Stories For Senior Leadership Interviews (1920 x 1080 px)
OPTIN - 50 key questions to ask yourself (1920 x 1080 px)

You want to start gathering your ideas for your upcoming leadership interview and make a breakthrough with your thinking for your interview planning. Print this off and reflect on the insightful questions.

FULL of questions, prompts and inspiration - this simple tool will get you articulating your stories under the Four Domains in a jiffy!

This is my most popular freebie to date!


You're looking for a CV template that will allow you to highlight your leadership experience for an upcoming AP Role. I get ya!

Values at €279+ the CV Success Academy is my mini-course to help teachers format their CV under the Four Domains. Learn the importance of power verbs and how to create your personal profile. With FREE templates - this course also gives tips and ideas for teachers required to send a CV for teaching roles. 

Copy of The Ultimate Guide to the STAR technique for Teachers (1)
7 Steps to Communicate Effectively in Interviews, Showcase Your Experience and Strive For Growth (1920 x 1080 px)

You've done the work, you're reading the documents and you're committed to continuous learning and growth as a leader. 

When you know that the STAR technique is important and you're ready to apply it to your stories - then this is the guide for you! With space to prepare some answers, actual sample answers, tips on how to use the technique and info about WHY you need it - you'll upgrade your storytelling technique!

This guide provides the framework that helps my clients get the jobs they deserve!


Youtube Videos

Did you know I'm on Youtube? Don't forget to subscribe for new videos!

The 4 Domains From a Coaching Perspective.

Why do the Four Domains EVEN EXIST?! As the leading specialist in LAOS - this video explains LAOS and it's underlying meanings from a coaching perspective. 

How Do I Answer a Question if I'm Unsure What The Panel Are Looking For?

Become unstuck with these important approaches when an interview question takes you by surprise!

How Do I Give Off Good Energy in Interviews?

Going for a leadership interview soon? In this video you'll learn why it's important to relax and show some personality!

Head to My Blog

I don’t give ad-hoc discounts on my 1-1 services and courses - here’s why. (1)

I Don’t Give Ad-Hoc Discounts on My 1-1 Services and Courses - Here’s Why.

It’s brilliant to get a discount on goods and services - and shur why not try to see if you can get something at a discounted price?

As a small business owner, I don’t give ad hoc discounts to customers. 

The GOOD NEWS IS though - that frequently, I run promotions on my email list - AND when you keep a keen eye on your emails from me - not only will you get FREE promotion-focused tips, but you will also pick up some incredible bargains! You can sign up to my email list here. 

The reasons I don’t gi…

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Domain 2 Blog

Sarah's Journey in The Career Accelerator Programme

Craving a change? Know that you have more to offer and just need that first break to get to the next step? 

As teachers enrol in The Career Accelerator Programme right now - I'm sharing the story of Sarah who invested in the Programme when it first launched in early 2023. Reflecting on the clients who have enrolled to date - they all have one thing in common - they are HUNGRY for a new role and they know that they have got what it takes.  Does this sound like you too? 

Sarah's Story

Sarah had…

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School Leader Quiz (1920 x 1080 px) (Instagram Video) (1)

How to Unlock What You Have to Offer when You Already Have Staff Buy In

As an ambitious school leader seeking to ascend to senior roles in the educational sector in Ireland, you likely find yourself in a unique position. You've already garnered the support and trust of your staff—a testament to your leadership skills and history. However, as you contemplate taking the next step in your career, you may wonder how to showcase your capabilities in your job application and interview - when the staff's buy-in is already secured.

Recognising Your Value

As a steady and n…

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