The DEPUTY PRINCIPALSHIP OR PRINCIPALSHIP of your ideal school has come up. What do you do?

The DEPUTY PRINCIPALSHIP OR PRINCIPALSHIP of your ideal school has come up. What do you do?

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You are a natural school leader with a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of leading projects.

  • You are confident in yourself and in your leadership in school and you know that SEEKING SUPPORT to communicate that in interviews is a clever thing to do.


  • You are on secondment and you’re ready to show how what you’ve learned can be of HUGE BENEFIT to your school.


  • You are seeking a SPECIALIST to help you with your senior leadership application and interview and you’re LEAVING NO STONE UNTURNED in your preparation. 
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You HAVE A LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATION and you found the course helpful!

Now you’d love a STRATEGY to show how your insights can be of benefit to the school, right?

As soon as you start THINKING about a senior leadership role – the best time to start preparing is NOW.

Imagine if...

  • You had SUPPORT TO to COMPLETE YOUR JOB APPLICATION – even if it’s not posted and you EVEN HAD A SOLID BANK OF CAREER STORIES - ready to put into your form.

  • You FINALLY TOOK ACTION on securing the job that you’ve been thinking about for years and YOU GOT THE BALL ROLLING.

Picture this...

When you start on The Career Accelerator Programme, you’ll be SO MUCH FARTHER AHEAD than where you are right now! Once you commit - you’ll be investing in your future career. You’ll get access to…

1. A SAF Review

1.  Job Application Form Review


2. Mock Interview


2. Mock Interview 

Mock Interview 1-1 Session (VALUE €389)

This session is designed to help you build your confidence, improve your skills and stop bad interview habits. Receive detailed feedback and insights on your performance, helping you identify areas for improvement. These mock interviews closely mimic real interview LAOS style scenarios, ensuring that you're well-prepared.

The recording of your session – issued to you afterwards will ensure that you can go back and capture your learning and the key vocabulary that you’ll need for the real thing!

* If you don’t want to use this for interview prep – we can easily change the focus to chat about your career strategy, aligning yourself to the role that you want, looking at an alternative job application form etc.

3. Accountability

and Encouragement

3. Accountability

and Encouragement

Accountability (VALUE: €999)

When you enrol on this programme, you're not just signing up for guidance and support; you're also committing to accountability. Using the Voxer app or Instagram messaging we'll be in regular contact. I'll also send you regular emails checking in with you. This aspect of the programme is incredibly beneficial for your journey.

Having someone to answer to, someone who genuinely cares about your progress, can be a game-changer. It means you're less likely to procrastinate, you’re more likely to stay committed to your objectives, and ultimately, more likely to achieve the results you desire. It’s this partnership that ensures your success is a shared priority, making your journey even more effective and rewarding.

Here are some accountability messages from clients on the programme.


4. Online Course: 

Help! I've an Interview

in a Week


4. Online Course: 

Help! I've an Interview

in a Week

Help! I've an Interview in a Week(VALUE: €297)

You know your interview is coming up soon. You're COVERED with 'Help! I've an Interview in a Week!'. This is, by far - my most popular course and it's included in The Career Accelerator Programme.

Access the lessons anytime to prepare for our mock interview session or learn little by little throughout the programme - Help! I've an Interview in a Week - is yours for LIFE!

Full of short (1-8 minute), reflective videos - you can listen in the car or while out for a walk. It will get you thinking and preparing for your leadership interview.

Learn more about this top selling course here. 


- TOTAL VALUE: €2204

Here's what John had to say the best parts of Career Accelerator were for him. 

"The accountability that you provide. I need someone to hold me to account and to get me thinking and working on my job application form - and you did that.

Also, your positivity and I see how much you love your job and how good that you are at it. It makes this package invaluable".

Here are the Stages In The Career Accelerator Programme

🎯 Case Studies 🎯

John is ready with his job application

 *John had lots of teaching experience and leadership experience before he began teaching – and was eager to share his experience on a wider scale in school leadership.  His aim was a DP or Principalship in another school.

His objective was to complete his job application form and not to feel fully prepared when roles in his area were advertised. 

Over the course of the 6 weeks, John enjoyed learning from the guest speakers in The Teachers' Promotion Club. Each week he logged into the group and listened to a training on his way to work and accessed the interview focused videos in 'Help! I've an Interview in a Week'.

He focused on trainings that would get him closer to becoming a senior school leader.  At the end of our time together because he was accountable to me and our planned 1-1 sessions - it meant that he completed his job application form and we tweaked it so that it can be used to apply for a variety of jobs in different schools whenever they are advertised.

John is ready for this next exciting stage in his career.

Here's why the Career Accelerator Programme worked for him

  • He received regular feedback and support
  • He now has confidence in his job application and solid belief that his form will impress
  • He has phrases and new skills to tailor his form/s for the future
  • He can see his clear path towards leadership and career change.


🎯Case Studies🎯


Brenda knows that her mindset was the thing holding her back.

Brenda came to me as a young teacher aiming to apply for senior leadership roles. Having completed many leadership courses - she is ambitious and focused on making a difference in the lives of her pupils and at a leadership level.

In the ‘Application Form Review Session’ Brenda changed the way she thought about her experience and the impact that she has made. She formatted her examples in the STAR format in her job application and they are eye-catching to the selection board.

To date, Brenda’s ideal role has not been advertised yet – however, she is ready to apply and she is feeling a new sense of confidence and self-assuredness.

Here's why the Career Accelerator Programme worked for Brenda

Brenda is young and ambitious. She identified that getting help sooner would bring her better results and a senior leadership role more quickly. She is now equipped with ideas, action points, and career tasks that are well suited to her strengths and needs to engage in as she waits for a role to be advertised.

Hi! I'm the Teacher Promotion and Development Mentor. 

Leadership took me a little by surprise.

As a teacher, I was happy in my role doing my job. When the opportunity to run my own business arose however – I was the one who chose to LEAD MYSELF and MY BUSINESS to success and now I’m 6 years managing my organisation and, I guess, I’m PROUD.

Like you, I’ve grown and developed over the years. I’ve learned how to develop better relationships, manage conflict better than I used to, organise my finances, navigate the latest technological changes, manage my resources and DO LAOS for my business.

The key to my success has been understanding that people love bite-sized pieced of information, the WHY of educational reform and acting in innovative ways to ensure that things are going well for me.

As a specialist in coaching with the Looking at Our Schools Document I simplify the standards so that my clients can easily understand it and I’m ruthless at helping teachers come up with short stories that capture the attention of schools and get them JOBS.

Is that what you want? 

To your career success, 


🎉 Here's What my Clients Are Saying 🎉

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“Orla is really passionate about what she does. Before I booked in for a coaching session with Orla I felt stuck in one or two areas due to the ‘busyness’ of life and work.

Booking the session and meeting with Orla felt like a weight lifted and helped me focus on the important things to me that I was otherwise putting on the long finger.

Having accountability was key to help move me forward. I am looking forward to my next session. I would highly recommend anyone thinking about booking a session with Orla, to do it.”

Co. Meath

Orla Dempsey Mentoring

“In just a few weeks of coaching with Orla I have already begun to change the way I think about my career. I have modernised my CV, pushed myself further than I have in years and opened myself to new opportunities.

Orla is dedicated and really knows her stuff. I wasn’t even sure what a career coach was one short month ago!”

Co. Cork

Online Courses (8) Help! I've an Interview in a Week!

“Help! I’ve an Interview in a Week was a great place to start to get to grips with the language and thinking involved in a competency-based interviews.
The main thing I got from this course was how to answer the competency-based questions relevantly and convincingly, I knew the theory but not how to answer questions about it competently.
I enjoyed the repetition of the answer material - because it helped me to further process and tie together the information. It weas also great to see how many of the domains were interconnected in terms of examples.
Finally, this course helped me become more aware of my practice in the school in terms of leading and managing. ”

Co. Waterford

🎯 Client Testimonial 🎯

The Career Accelerator Programme has been a very positive, encouraging and reflective experience for me.

Orla’s relaxed, yet intuitive experience mentoring people brought out the best in me as we completed the Deputy Principal Application Form together.

I received excellent feedback in a timely manner as I recorded interview answers using Voxer.

Orla gave me invaluable practice in using the STAR technique which set me up to explore the informative and easily accessible information relevant to interviews. 

It is an incredible bonus to have continued access to Orla through the Voxer app.

I highly recommend the professional services offered by Orla on the Career Accelerator Programme."

M, Experienced Primary School Teacher.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me about the Career Accelerator Programme

How long does the programme last?

You have an opportunity coming up and need to complete your job application. Speed is of the essence! The Career Accelerator will give you access to me for 6 weeks.

During that time you'll

  • complete your job application (90-minute 1-1 support session) and
  • you'll do a mock interview (90-minute mock interview session).

Your mock interview will be recorded - for you to look back over and revise to practice for your interview. 

Preparing in advance, will take a huge amount of pressure off you when your job is advertised!  

🎯 Who is it for?

This supportive programme is for ambitious, confident leaders who are applying for Senior Leadership roles at Primary and Post Primary Levels.

🎯 Will this help me be in a better position on my return from abroad?

Absolutely! If you’re planning your trip home and you’re scared about it – then I’m here for you. When you invest in ‘Career Accelerator’ – You will feel ready in just a few weeks, you’ll know what to do and you’ll be taking action to reconnect with those who can help you in Ireland so that things are easier and more successful when you are back home.

🎯 How will I become accountable to you?

Whether you connect with me on Instagram or Voxer - I'll message you each week to see how you are and if things are on track. You can ask me any questions or celebrate any successes with me.

The aim? To encourage you to complete that job application form and remain on track!

🎯 How does this differ from a 1-1 with you?

My 1-1 leadership interview coaching sessions (€389) are fantastic for improving your interview skills.

The Career Accelerator Programme, however, is designed to help you...

  • With your Job Application Form and Cover Letter. This programme is the ONLY WAY clients get 1-1 help with job application forms. 
  • With your Leadership Interviews: I give you personalised, honest and constructive feedback on your interview answers
  • Access Learning On Your Own: With LIFETIME ACCESS to Help! I've an Interview in a Week, you'll be empowered with the best online course available to learn new information and 'get in the zone'.  regular 
  • Comprehensive Support:  With this programme, you get regular access to me for 6 weeks.
  • Feel Confident:  You'll get support to bring you to a place where you feel confident in your stories and you'll learn the skills to do a great interview!

Putting my best online resources together with 1-1 coaching support - makes this an all-round package for you. Imagine the lightbulb moments you could have - when all this support comes together!

🎯 Can you guarantee that I get the job?

Unfortunately not. Teachers come to me to work at controlling the controllables. While we don't know what competition you'll be up against - you will walk away with new skills that you can use again and again.

If you're an INTERNAL CANDIDATE - you'll be in a fantastic position to impress! AND...

If you're interested in applying for EXTERNAL ROLES - you'll be in a position where your job application impresses and you'll be seen as a candidate to be reckoned with. 

🎯 What if I'm really tight for time?

I can help you make the job application/interview process less stressful and more effective. The best time to reach out to develop these skills is well in advance so that you're less stressed. Depending on our schedules - I can usually (though not always) look after you if your job application is due in the next week or so. Drop me an email at call to discuss my availability. 

🎯 Will you help me with secondment applications/preparation?

Yes, absolutely – If you want to apply for PDST, NCCA, Oide etc  - I will use my best marketing skills to create a job application that will attract their eye and create carefully constructed interview answers. If secondment is something you really want and it will bring about big life changes for you - then this service is ideal for you. 

🎯 Is this suitable for post primary teachers too?

Yes, indeed. A huge part of my business is helping clients at post-primary level complete their leadership job applications and prepare for interviews.

All content is suitable for you as a post-primary teacher too.

🎯 Case Studies 🎯

Claire secured her dream place in college studying Speech and Language Therapy

Another of my clients, I'll call her *Claire - came to me - with a desire to complete a course in Speech and Language Therapy which she felt that her future career would benefit from.

Claire wanted to work with students and children with language difficulties and identified that she that she would love to complete in order for her to leave the classroom eventually and work in this area.

Here's how we approached her goal.

Identifying the Objective: Firstly, together we looked at the requirements of the course and created a CV and an application letter, which showed her passions and experience with children with language difficulties.

Letter of Application: Claire wrote her application letter well, and I added lots of extra details to ensure that it would be able to be read and skimmed through effectively and really captured the reader's eye. Most of the content was her own, but revamping the look of the letter really made a huge impact.


CV: With the CV she just gave me a brief outline with about her experience but the information was bare – She was unsure how to create a CV.  So what I did was ask her of her experience, especially focusing on anytime she had worked with the student language difficulties - because that's what the college would want to see.

The process took about 90 minutes and by the end of the session, Claire knew exactly what she needed to fit in to finish off and improve her CV. In fact, she was coming up with the phrases herself with ease!

RESULTS:  I am thrilled to announce that Claire has just let me know that she has secured her place in the course this is the first step to a new future. She is now on her way to fulfilling her dreams of moving out of the classroom and working with those whom she knows will really benefit from her experience.