I want to change career - who can help me?

“I want to change career - who can help me?”
This is a common question I see popping up amongst career changers. They want to change but they're STUCK.
STUCK in the problem.
STUCK not knowing what to do.
STUCK because their current job gives them financial security and they can't afford to leave.
STUCK because they fear change.
STUCK because they're unsure of who can help them.
Well... I CAN HELP!
Firstly, unstick yourself from the problem.
If you imagine the problem as a small dot in the middle of an A4 page.... then ... the solutions are anything and everything around it! Time to BRAINSTORM! What might the solutions look like for you?
I invite you to take the time to get creative!
What sparks joy in you? What would you love to be doing in a typical working day?
Here are some ideas to get you started:
360 review
Who can give you feedback about your strengths and weaknesses? This is called a 360 review.
During my coaching course, I created my questionnaire on Google Forms but you could do a paper survey if you choose to do one. It's interesting to see the common trends that come back. Think carefully of whose opinion you respect, and who may give you honest feedback.
You could ask questions like...
what am I very good at?
What are my best qualities?
What career do you think I would be best suited to?
Who do I think may be of interest for me to speak to?
Other solutions to the problem of feeling career 'stuck', may be to organise work experience or to have conversations with people in the field you may be interested in.
Where could you get more information?
What courses could you do to learn more?
Career Guidance Councillors and Career Coaches
I work with clients to help them get clear on what they want. They then take action on what they've learned and with my support, they take concrete action towards finally investigating the path that they feel drawn to.
Career Guidance Councillors provide more directive advice. (As coaches, our job is to ask powerful questions so that you get a better insight into what your strengths are and what career might suit you best. )
Want to know more about career coaching? Find out how you can work with me on changing your career.
MABS (Money, Advice and Budgeting Service)
This may be an interesting group to speak to, to come to terms with the financial side of things.
Are there any financial opportunities to help you get your finances in order to facilitate a change?
Recruitment Companies
Personally, because of my previous background experience, the areas I thought I'd like to move into, ( with medium - high salary expectations), I heard very little back from most recruitment agencies.
By all means, tailor your CV, give the agencies a try.
People Who Already Work In The Industry
Who do you know who already works in that sector? What about friends of friends who may be willing to meet you for coffee?
Jobs Websites
There's a mountain of information out there - articles, blogs, quizzes etc, on the job websites. It can become overwhelming however. I advise setting one hour aside with one objective to be achieved in that focused hour.
Eg. What are the particular, useful job website I will need to reference in my job search?
Bookmark them and create a list of when and why you should reference them in the future. Ignore the pop-ups and the other distractions that inevitably crop up.
Who are the course providers for Speech and Learning Therapy? Jot down contact details for each of them and be ready with your questions to give them a call or email. Setting just one objective, allows you to keep the mind focused and filter out the distractions.
LinkedIn has a job search functionality and there are lots of fantastic positions posted there daily. Perhaps it's time to widen your network, update your profile and test the waters on LinkedIn.
Springboard Courses
Springboard provide a range of excellent courses designed to allow participants to up-skill. Have a look to see if any of them spark your interest! So there you have it... start with that little black dot and let your mind wander.... then work on steps 2,3,4....
It's not easy, I know, I've been there too. But trust yourself.
Do your research, evaluate your costs and take inspired action.
Read ‘I want to change jobs because I feel really unhappy working in that school. I can’t take it any longer!’ here.
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