Orla Dempsey Mentoring    

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My Blog

FAQs About The Four Domains Simplified Course for School Leaders

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Are you curious about the Four Domains Simplified Course?

I know that you may have questions that you'd like answered. 🤩 So I thought I would address some of the questions that I’ve been getting about it. Here are the top questions I'm being asked. 

1. Is ‘The Four Domains Simplified’ better than ‘Help I’ve an Interview in a Week’?

In ‘Help I’ve an Interview in a Week’, I teach Looking at Our Schools through the lens of a variety of interview questions – each starting with the phrase ‘How do …

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When to Apply for Teaching Jobs


Ever found yourself asking, "When is the best time to apply for teaching jobs?" We've all been there. As educators, we spend so much time focused on our students that we often overlook our own career timelines.

The Perfect Timing

Knowing when to apply can feel like a guessing game. Too early, and you might be forgotten; too late, and the positions might be filled. The key lies in understanding the rhythms of the school year and the hiring cycle.

Understanding the Hiring Cycle

Most schools start thei…

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Why We Choose Teaching: The Heart of the Profession


Ever wondered why you chose teaching as a career? Is it just about the paycheck, or is there something more? As fellow educators, I understand the unique factors that make teaching a profession close to our hearts.

The Joy in Young Eyes

Teaching is not merely a job. It's a labour of love. The love for children is often what draws us in. The exhilaration of seeing their eyes light up with understanding, their unbridled enthusiasm for exploration, and the honour of guiding their intellectual journey…

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STAR Method in Teaching

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 Hello, lovely educators! I totally get it; the daily ins and outs of teaching can sometimes feel like trying to solve an intricate puzzle. You're constantly looking for the perfect method to create an environment that's both educational and engaging for your students. I've been there, and I want you to know that there's a tried-and-tested approach that might just be the missing piece in your teaching toolbox.

Discover the STAR Method

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This metho…

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Working with Me as The Teacher Promotion Coach (non-principal!)


If you're an aspiring school leader you may be wondering how I can help you if I'm not a principal.

Truthfully - teachers don't work with me because I'm a principal. As an independent mentor, I think that's my superpower!

Teachers work with me because they know me from my social media presence and they've seen firsthand the helpful information that I share online to help teachers.

Teachers work with me - because I make things easy for them to shift their mindset from working IN their JOB t…

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Unlocking Growth: Five Tips for Giving Effective Feedback

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Giving feedback can be a daunting task, whether it's to a colleague, employee, or even a business. However, it's an essential part of growth and development. Here are five tips to help you give effective feedback:

Create psychological safety 

Creating a safe and supportive environment is key when giving feedback. It's important to ensure that the person receiving the feedback feels comfortable and safe to receive it. This means being respectful and empathetic, while also being clear and direct…

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