
#Interview questions

Podcast (3)

Brand New Method to Understand The Four Domains to Simplify Your Interview Answers

Lately, I’ve been finding myself discussing the impact that teachers have in their role. Helping them to see things from an external perspective has been a real game changer in helping them articulate their skills and the difference they have made.

This blog explains why you should reflect on your impact as a school leader and gives you common statements I hear. See if you can think about the impact that these teachers may have had as a result!


Self-reflecting on the impact that you'

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Copy of Chris - Images For Website (Instagram Post (Square))

FAQs About The Four Domains Simplified Course for School Leaders

Are you curious about the Four Domains Simplified Course?

I know that you may have questions that you'd like answered. đŸ€© So I thought I would address some of the questions that I’ve been getting about it. Here are the top questions I'm being asked. 

1. Is ‘The Four Domains Simplified’ better than ‘Help I’ve an Interview in a Week’?

In ‘Help I’ve an Interview in a Week’, I teach Looking at Our Schools through the lens of a variety of interview questions – each starting with the phrase ‘How do 

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Questions to Ask at the End of a Principal Interview in Ireland

A successful principal interview not only involves answering questions with confidence but also asking meaningful questions at the end of the interview. This demonstrates your interest in the role, your research on the school, and your eagerness to engage with the interviewers. In this blog post, we will discuss some thought-provoking questions that you can ask at the end of a principal interview to leave a lasting impression on the hiring committee, including some additional questions to help y

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Evidence of LAOS

What Are The Most Challenging LAOS Topics?

The main concerns in interviews that my clients have are...

  • How to answer the conflict question.
  • How to answer the challenging situation question.
  • The fact that they feel that their competition ‘is high’ for the role
  • How to answer the ‘vision’ question.

School principals can avail of coaching to help them plan their vision, to help them strengthen team dynamics, to help them reflect on how they responded to incidents of conflict or discuss challenging situations. Isn’t that cool?


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Untitled design (53)

Time Management Tips For Interviews

Let’s talk about tips for ➡Time Management⬅.

It’s one of my FAVOURITE topics to help clients with - because there are loads of ways they save time and they don’t notice it.

In this interview question, you need to tell them all the ways that you manage your time.

Examples here might be: 

  • Your calendar/diary/wall planner - ensures that you have records of things you need to do. If you manage your diary correctly – you won’t miss important events etc. Is this something you do?
  • You may forwar

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How is LAOS 2022 different to the LAOS 2016 version?

How is the LAOS 2022 different to the 2016 version?

I've always loved the Looking at Our Schools Document because it provides teachers with a framework to assess and reflect on how we are developing as professionals. I created a resource with practical questions that help teachers to reflect on how they are progressing in their careers. You'll find it here.

As we progress and make changes in the education system the LAOS document is a fantastic place to allow career and executive coaches to support schools as an organisation and their school leade

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classroom practices in leadership interviews

Qn: What are the chances of classroom practices and teaching the curriculum coming up in a leadership interview?


Sometimes I receive interesting queries from clients and I know that you will find them useful. So, I've decided to create a series of blog posts with FAQs. I received this query from Mary*  who wants to know: (*anon)

If a principal job is advertised and states you will be interviewed under the 4 domains but it is likely a teaching principal, what are the chances of classroom practices and teaching the curriculum and, for example, Irish questions coming up?

My thoughts are this:

In eve

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How do you answer the question on the vision for the role/vision for the school?

How do you answer the question on the vision for the role/vision for the school?

This question is one I get again and again from clients and they need to put their thinking caps on! 

How do you answer the question on the vision for the role/vision for the school?

One thing that I noticed when I began leadership coaching is that teachers sometimes were sometimes frustrated and they could sometimes use this question as a chance to vent. For this question, I always recommend that the energy is positive. This question IS NOT a chance to rant and tell them what you believe is g

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How do I answer what is your vision for the school/post of responsibility? 

My clients often find this question tricky! Why? Because they haven't taken the time to dream about the changes they could make. A great way to think about it is - If you had a magic wand and you could make changes - what would they be?

Here are some further tips: 

  • Be authentic – Think about what difference you would love to make in the school. Reflect: How would the school be different in 5 years’ time? What opportunities might the staff, pupils and community have? How would they be acting?

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principle practices

What do principals want in teachers?

My key piece of study for 2020, was asking a wide variety of primary and second-level principals what they actually want in teachers in their schools. *These points are a shortened version of my freebie for teachers. Get the full version here.  Their answers included:

  • Top necessary skills: teamwork, communication, emotional intelligence, flexibility, leadership potential, enthusiasm
  • Knowledge of the subject area
  • Passion for teaching and willingness to develop their practice
  • A personality t

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