


Insights into the Necessary Job Seeking Skills - Peter and Gwenda Johnson

This blog post is inspired by my most recent episode of The Growth in Educational Leadership Podcast. I spoke to Peter and Gwenda Johnson - a fantastic duo with tonnes of recruitment and job-seeking advice. Gwenda is a retired Primary School Principal and spent 9 years leading St Joseph’s - A Special School For Children with Visual Impairment.

Read on to uncover the stand-out points in our discussion.

You can listen to the podcast 👉 here.

  1. The Importance of Tailoring Applications Both Peter and Gwe…

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Blog Covers

10 Confidence Tips for STAR Leadership Interviews

Stories are very powerful. I first became interested in people's stories when I became a coach. And I realised that the stories that we told ourselves have direct results in the kinds of opportunities that we have and the kind of results that we get. So there's a huge mindset associated with storytelling, the STAR technique, and the empowering beliefs that we have about ourselves.  The STAR technique is a framework that you can use to frame your answers and your stories in interviews in an empow…

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School Leader Quiz (1920 x 1080 px) (Instagram Video) (1)

How to Unlock What You Have to Offer when You Already Have Staff Buy In

As an ambitious school leader seeking to ascend to senior roles in the educational sector in Ireland, you likely find yourself in a unique position. You've already garnered the support and trust of your staff—a testament to your leadership skills and history. However, as you contemplate taking the next step in your career, you may wonder how to showcase your capabilities in your job application and interview - when the staff's buy-in is already secured.

Recognising Your Value

As a steady and n…

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Are You Ready to Ace Your Teaching Job Application?

Does the thought of applying for a teaching job make you feel like you're back in school, nervously awaiting a pop quiz?

We've all been there. The job application process can often be as challenging as solving a complex algebra equation.

Decoding the Application Process

What do hiring committees really want to see? How do you make your application stand out from the stack? It can feel like you're trying to crack an enigmatic code. And these questions can turn even the most seasoned educator into a…

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3 Clever Ways to Ace Your Next Interview: Master the Art of Impressing Employers

The job interview process can be an intimidating experience, but with the right approach and tactics, you can demonstrate your expertise and leave a lasting impression on your potential employer. In this blog post, we'll explore three clever strategies to help you stand out in your next interview: 

1) pushing away the notes and releasing the pressure

 2) exuding confidence through smiling and body language

 3) utilising an impressive vocabulary.

Push away the notes and release the pressure


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How Being Vocal Can Boost Your Career Success

Ever not known the answer to an important payroll query? or worried about what would happen if that parent made a complaint about you?

Sometimes you need to keep at things to get the answers that you need. 

Instead of staying silent and hoping the problem resolves itself, it's essential to follow up with the appropriate channels - emailing payroll or your union, again and again, is important to feel safe and secure that your question has been dealt with effectively. 

Be that squeaky wheel. 


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How to Fill in an AP1 Post Application Form

How to Fill in an AP1/AP2 Post Application Form

Applying for an AP post is an important step in advancing your career in education. The application process can vary depending on the school's requirements. In this blog post, we will explore three common ways to apply for an AP1 and AP2  post, including applying through a cover letter, applying through a cover letter and CV, and submitting a standard application form created by the school/training board. We will also provide tips to make your application stand out and guide you on how to best s…

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Questions to Ask at the End of a Principal Interview in Ireland

A successful principal interview not only involves answering questions with confidence but also asking meaningful questions at the end of the interview. This demonstrates your interest in the role, your research on the school, and your eagerness to engage with the interviewers. In this blog post, we will discuss some thought-provoking questions that you can ask at the end of a principal interview to leave a lasting impression on the hiring committee, including some additional questions to help y…

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Showcase  Your Skills and Experience

How to Showcase Your Skills and Experience as a New Teacher

As a new teacher, you may feel overwhelmed by the challenge of establishing yourself in the competitive field of education. It's essential to know how to showcase your skills and experience effectively to make a lasting impression on potential employers, colleagues, and students. In this blog post, we'll explore different ways to demonstrate your capabilities as a new teacher and help you stand out in your profession.

Create a Comprehensive Portfolio

A well-organised portfolio is an excellent …

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6 unknown ways you're making a difference in school

1. As a student, I'm so happy that you listen to my news.
2. As a parent, I'm so relieved that you're noticing that my child has dyslexic tendencies. I really struggled in school.
3. As a principal, I'm grateful that you hand in your cuntas mĂ­osĂşil in time. I hate going looking for them
4. As a student, though I can't articulate it properly - my movement break really helps me listen better through the day.
5. As an AP post holder, I really appreciate that you're helping me with this project. Thin…

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