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FAQs About The Four Domains Simplified Course for School Leaders

Are you curious about the Four Domains Simplified Course?

I know that you may have questions that you'd like answered. 🤩 So I thought I would address some of the questions that I’ve been getting about it. Here are the top questions I'm being asked. 

1. Is ‘The Four Domains Simplified’ better than ‘Help I’ve an Interview in a Week’?

In ‘Help I’ve an Interview in a Week’, I teach Looking at Our Schools through the lens of a variety of interview questions – each starting with the phrase ‘How do …

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7 Templates You Need in Your School

  • A template with actions to undertake when a new student enters your class.

  • A template to outline the steps for organising school trips

  • A letter template for quick notes home.

  • A template with methodologies you’ve tried – when helping students with SEN

  • A template to help new teachers get to know the school quickly and independently

  • A template that outlines when special learning weeks (e.g. Maths Week etc) will happen each school year.

  • A template with ideas that you could post to your LinkedIn or social …

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Evidence of LAOS

What Are The Most Challenging LAOS Topics?

The main concerns in interviews that my clients have are...

  • How to answer the conflict question.
  • How to answer the challenging situation question.
  • The fact that they feel that their competition ‘is high’ for the role
  • How to answer the ‘vision’ question.

School principals can avail of coaching to help them plan their vision, to help them strengthen team dynamics, to help them reflect on how they responded to incidents of conflict or discuss challenging situations. Isn’t that cool?

Most …

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How do I answer what is your vision for the school/post of responsibility? 

My clients often find this question tricky! Why? Because they haven't taken the time to dream about the changes they could make. A great way to think about it is - If you had a magic wand and you could make changes - what would they be?

Here are some further tips: 

  • Be authentic – Think about what difference you would love to make in the school. Reflect: How would the school be different in 5 years’ time? What opportunities might the staff, pupils and community have? How would they be acting?…

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AP and Principal Application Preparation. How to Prepare for Domain 2: Managing an Organisation.

Every year I work with many experienced teachers applying for positions in management roles in their school and beyond. Here we look at how you can outline your experience in managing an organisation.

 Highlighting your managerial skills and capabilities

In your extensive experience as a teacher, you have no doubt faced many managerial issues. Reflecting on challenges and how you overcame them, initiatives you may have facilitated, staff you mentored, and tricky situations you helped to resolv…

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Creating a Guiding Vision for Your School - The Core Values Approach

Creating a Guiding Vision for Your School - The Core Values Approach

I regularly ask questions my 1-1 interview leadership coaching clients about the guiding vision of their school. Their replies are always really interesting.

From a coaching perspective, developing an awareness of your core values is really important.

My top 3 core values are commitment, growth and variety. When I make decisions about events, situations, investments etc. - each decision will revolve around my need for variety, commitment and growth. If I don’t experience these things then I feel s…

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AP Applications: How to Prepare for Domain 2: Managing an Organisation

AP, DP and Principal Applications

The second in the series for experienced teachers applying for positions in management roles in their school or beyond - looks at how you can outline your experience managing an organisation.

If you have extensive experience behind you, over the years - you may have facilitated various initiatives, mentored many new staff in the school and adapted to many curricular changes. So, how can you succinctly and effectively communicate these management competencies in yo…

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