AP Applications: How to Prepare for Domain 2: Managing an Organisation


AP, DP and Principal Applications

The second in the series for experienced teachers applying for positions in management roles in their school or beyond - looks at how you can outline your experience managing an organisation.

If you have extensive experience behind you, over the years - you may have facilitated various initiatives, mentored many new staff in the school and adapted to many curricular changes. So, how can you succinctly and effectively communicate these management competencies in your application form and interviews?

Use the prompts below to help you brainstorm the skills you’ve developed over these past few years.

  • Facilitation Skills: How have you managed curricular and extra-curricular teams in the past?

  • Delegation: Can you delegate? How good are you at taking and giving constructive feedback? Organising and encouraging others to set up and organise events and training? Relaying important information? Managing tight deadlines?

  • Communication: Are you a good communicator? You may refer to written and oral communication? Can you communicate your thoughts clearly? How do you do so?

  • Time management: Are you a good timekeeper? Do you meet deadlines in a prompt and calm manner?

  • Record keeping: Do you keep in mind curricular developments in your class planning? How do you assess your pupils’ progress and implement appropriate measures to improve their learning? Have you systemised record keeping so that you spend less time on notes but get better results?

  • Hard skills: How have you improved your knowledge of ICT and Learning, record-keeping, GDPR, SSE, child protection etc? What kinds of courses have you undertaken and implemented in your classroom recently?

  • Reflection: Getting a broad overview of where your school stands e.g. manage the school’s human, physical and financial resources so as to create and maintain a learning organisation. Establish an orderly, secure and healthy learning environment and maintain it through effective communication

  • Coping under pressure: Manage challenging and complex situations in a manner that demonstrates equality, fairness and justice

  • Develop and implement a system to promote professional responsibility and accountability

  • Collaboration: with the Principal in matters of policy, curriculum, supervision and discipline, planning staff meetings, planning days, school events, etc.

  • Using your own initiative: Perhaps as part of a post you source, purchase, store, maintain and distribute all resources required for your subject area.

  • Creativity: Create and maintain various displays in the school, undertake projects in STEAM, Green Schools, Amber Flag etc. in your school. Encourage music, art or drama as a result of your special interest in the area.

  • Inclusion and Diversity: How do you go about including each and every one of your pupils in your lessons? You may refer to differentiated tasks, including your pupils of all faiths during religion classes (setting interesting tasks for them to complete if necessary), providing a range of age and ability appropriate materials with multi-denominational and non-denominational picture books etc.

  • Empathy: Perhaps because of your empathy for pupils struggling in the area of literacy, friendships, social skills etc. you are especially sensitive to their needs and go above and beyond to help them.

  • Special Education: If you have spent time as a SET, how has this insight into the learning process contributed and inspired you to become a better teacher? What key insights did you gain? How did you adapt your teaching as a result? What did you notice then?

  • NQTs: Perhaps you are now a member of the Droichead facilitation team in your school. How have you helped the newly qualified teachers? What have you learned as part of your training? How did the NQT progress with your guidance?

You may find these documents useful as you prepare for your AP1 or AP 2 interview:

  • Looking at Our School - A quality framework for post-primary schools (though very relevant to primary schools also): Read It Here.

Getting a helicopter view of your career to date is important as you progress to management level in your career. Noticing how you have developed, learned, adapted and now, help others in their careers - will not only give you evidence for the application process but also, it will build your confidence in yourself as a teacher.

Other posts from this series:

* In my free guide ‘Secret Career Stories For Senior Leadership Goals’ - I break down the stories that you’ll need to sell yourself (in a gentle way) in your interview. You can download it👉 here.



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