5 Reasons Newly Qualified Teachers are the Best!</strong>

I have massive respect for newly trained teachers! Entering the classroom and the staff-room as a new teacher is no easy feat! It’s quite overwhelming for the first few months indeed.
I usually end up sitting beside them in the staff-room because I feel we have something in common. As a substitute teacher and NQT… you feel a bit of an outsider. It takes time to settle into a staff. It’s only natural but it is hard to enter into some conversations when everyone else knows one another for the last 5 years or more.
I always learn from newly qualified teachers. I love their outlook on life… their impeccable work ethic and the chilled out ones that nobody could knock! I especially admire those NQTs.
I love hearing about their fun, college days, what’s currently being taught in the Teacher Training Colleges, the fact that they put so much energy into lessons for their class and their plans to finish their NQT year… and then they’re OUTA HERE!….. Off to Oz or Dubai or the UK. I love that adventurous spirit!
Here are some benefits of having an NQT on staff:
1️. New Information:
NQTs can share the recent updates from the teacher training colleges – some new technologies the school can utilise, what they’ve been taught about the new Primary Language Curriculum etc etc. One staff meeting could be put aside for professional development held by NQTs I feel.
2️. Enthusiasm:
They have huge enthusiasm for trying out new things. Eager to try out the projects that they learned about in college…their NQT year is their first opportunity to try it out.
3️. Extra-Curricular Activities:
Eager to impress, NQTs often have a special skill and the time and the enthusiasm to teach football, drama, art etc. (I don’t think this should be a necessary requirement, everyone’s commitments, interests and stress levels differ) but in comparison with those with small children some NQTs are available to do activities after school.
4️. Background Experience:
Many NQTs enter the profession from a range of other sectors. Personally, I’ve met some teachers who were once nurses and social workers. They offer a fantastic insight into first aid for children, child protection and planning for the social and emotional development of children. Many Principals look for candidates that have previous life experience before coming to teaching.
5️. Children relate better to them:
Many NQTs are younger which means a greater understanding of what it’s like to be of the younger generations nowadays. Less talk of Zig and Zag and more talk of Peppa Pig, Billie Eilish and PewDiePie. Knowledge of popular Youtubers, gaming, playing football and the latest pop singers make NQTS a fantastic hire for schools!
I believe our NQTs are the future of our Education System and should be looked after.
They should be receiving EQUAL PAY.
Their wellbeing should be looked after.
They have the right to say no to opportunities they are unwilling or feel under qualified to do.
Our careers in the Education Sector are a long-distance race and not a sprint and so, NQTs should be looked after as such.
I remember my own NQT Days with hundreds of Euros spent on books and resources in my first few years… I was so dedicated, passionate and enthusiastic about the profession.
Let’s try keep that enthusiasm going for our new teaching entrants!
Further reading for NQTs:
- #AP (13)
- #AP1 (22)
- #AP2 (22)
- #applications (11)
- #AP positions (10)
- #AssistantPrincipal (8)
- #Career (28)
- #career (3)
- #Career Change (8)
- #careerbreak (7)
- #careerchange (12)
- #careercoaching (48)
- #Confidence (11)
- #CPD (6)
- #cpd (3)
- #CV (8)
- #cv (9)
- CV Review (3)
- #CV Writing (4)
- #DeputyPrincipal (27)
- #education (24)
- #Education (9)
- #EdTech (4)
- #Growth mindset (9)
- #How to SAF (5)
- #inspectorate (2)
- InspiringSchools (3)
- #Interview (28)
- #Interview Preparation (20)
- #Interview questions (18)
- #jobs (15)
- #Job Applications (15)
- #jobapplications (36)
- #Leadership (11)
- Leadership (5)
- #leadership (11)
- Learning (35)
- #LAOS (5)
- #Lookingatourschools (5)
- #Mock Interview Preparation Primary (7)
- #Mock Interviews for Primary (6)
- #Múinteoir (5)
- #MúinteoirBunscoile (3)
- #MúinteoirMeánscoile (3)
- #News (114)
- #Non accredited courses (1)
- #nqt (1)
- #Opportunity (9)
- #opportunity (10)
- #ourschools (4)
- #permanentjob (8)
- #Play Therapy (1)
- #Primary (15)
- #Primary and Post Primary Interviews (8)
- #primarymockinterview (26)
- #primarymockinterviewpreparation (28)
- #primaryschoolteacher (30)
- #principal (15)
- #Post Primary (12)
- #postprimaryteacher (16)
- #Psychometric Testing (1)
- #Quality Education (7)
- #resume (4)
- #SAF (15)
- #saf (11)
- #sellingyourself (10)
- #STARtechnique (13)
- Strengths (1)
- #Substitute (1)
- #Teacher (28)
- #teacher (12)
- #teachers (12)
- #TeacherIreland (11)
- #Teaching (42)
- #Uncertainty (9)
- #whatcanido (7)
- #Winning SAF (2)
- tipsforinterview (1)
- #teacher'sguide (2)
- #stratagies (3)
- classroomstratagies (1)
- #powerofvisualization (1)
- #coaching (2)
- #tipsforinterview (4)
- #successfullinterview (2)
- job (1)
- #STAR (3)
- #teachingprofession (1)
- #teachingjob (5)
- #whytobeateacher (1)
- #apply (1)
- #whentoapply (1)
- #tipsforjobapplication (1)
- #effectivejobapplication (1)
- #academic (1)
- #howtowritejobapplication (2)
- #interviewer (1)
- #techniquestoimpress (1)
- #pawstechnique (1)
- #storytelling (1)
- #interviewvocabulary (1)
- #TeacherInterviewTips (1)
- #InterviewConfidence (1)
- #EducationLeadership (1)
- #TeacherEmpowerment (2)
- #InterviewSuccess (1)
- #ConfidentEducators (1)
- #TeachingJobs (1)
- #CareerDevelopment (1)
- #TeacherCoaching (1)
- #InterviewPreparation (2)
- #TeacherJobSearch (1)
- #InterviewPreparation (1)
- #ChangeYourEnvironment (1)
- #JobSearchTips (1)
- #TeachingJobs (1)
- #CareerInspiration (2)
- #BoostYourFocus (2)
- #TeacherWellbeing (1)
- #NetworkingOpportunities (1)
- #EducationCareers (2)
- #JobHuntingStrategies (2)
- #TeacherMotivation (1)
- #CreativeJobSearch (1)
- #TeachingInterviews (1)
- #SellingYourselfCourse (1)
- #TeacherLeadershipTips (1)
- #InterviewSuccessGuide (2)
- #ConfidentEducators (1)
- #ChooseYourWordsWisely (1)
- #AdaptabilityMatters (1)
- #ConnectingOnAPersonalLevel (1)
- #HomeworkPaysOff (1)
- #KnowYourSchool (1)
- #AcingTheInterview (1)
- #LeadershipJourney (2)
- #TeacherInterviewSkills (1)
- #CareerAdvancement (1)
- #StandOutFromTheCrowd (1)
- #LeadershipDreams (1)
- #TeacherInterviewCourse (1)
- #TeachingPassion (1)
- #JobApplicationTips (1)
- #CraftYourStory (1)
- #LoveForTeaching (1)
- #UniqueTeachingSkills (1)
- #ExceptionalEducator (1)
- #ReflectAndGrow (1)
- #ResilientTeachers (1)
- #ShowcaseYourTalents (1)
- #SellingYourselfCourse (1)
- #StandoutJobApplication (1)
- #DreamTeachingJob (1)
- #InspiringEducators (1)
- #TeachingJourney (1)
- #CompellingNarrative (1)
- #TeachingJobSearch (1)
- #FindingTheRightJob (1)
- #JobHuntingTips (1)
- #ExpandYourSearch (1)
- #HiddenJobOpportunities (1)
- #NetworkingMatters (2)
- #TeacherCommunity (1)
- #SchoolDirectories (1)
- #DirectContact (1)
- #SellingYourselfCourse (1)
- #UnlockOpportunities (2)
- #DreamTeachingJob (1)
- #JobSearchSupport (1)
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- #JobHuntingJourney (1)
- #Principal (3)
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- #principalinterview (1)
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