How to make sure your Standard Application Form stands out

How to make sure your Standard Application Form stands out

This is a question I’m asked all the time, and the answer lies in creating a document that a principal really wants to read, because you’re sharing with them information that will make you an asset to their school.

Here are some other questions you can ask yourself to ensure that you create a top-notch application.

  1. Have you checked the job advert for clues as to what's important to the school?

  2. Do you have each piece of documentation ready? (only include what's being asked for).

  3. Have you reached out to your referees to remind them that you'll be applying for jobs?

  4. Have you checked that you've included 5 touch-points to tailor the application to the school?

  5. Have you checked whether the ethos section refers to the right school ethos? (ETB, non-denominational, RC etc)

  6. Have you shown evidence of your key strengths?

  7. Is your letter of application one page long?

  8. Are you submitting it before the deadline?

  9. How are your vibes? Do you have a positive or negative mindset as you apply for this role?

Which was your favourite question? Let us know in the comments below.

For more help and guidance for filling in your SAF check out the resources below:



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