8 limiting beliefs that are warning signs during job hunting season

During my coach training - one of the most impactful lessons I had was how having limiting beliefs can restrict our growth e.g. If you believe that you’re always unlucky - then it will be practically impossible for another person to change your mind.
Here are a few limiting beliefs that arise during job season for teachers applying for jobs.
I don't have any connections
As an NQT in 2008 - I had no relatives or local friends who I felt could get me a job. I could see people being connected to others in schools and getting jobs there. For a while, I believed that having connections was the only
way to get a job. That August, I secured a job 1.5 hours away - where I was completely unknown!
I don't have any extra-curricular activities
I was no footballer and no musician and I never knew what was different about me - until I did some self-reflection. I was hired and asked back to sub - even though my CV shows that I don’t have these talents. You can find your thing too.
My county is oversubscribed
This is a tough one - but people DO find jobs in their home counties. Sometimes it’s being in the right place at the right time, sometimes it’s being noticed because of a great CV or SAF and other times - it’s pure perseverance. If you’re in one of those counties - IT CAN BE DONE.
It's too expensive
Having someone look at your SAF requires an investment. Getting someone who knows what they are at (like me!) can help you pinpoint precisely what you can do to improve the return on your form so that you get more interview offers so that you feel confident and prepared when sending your job application is the ultimate investment in yourself in my opinion. If at the start of the Summer, you are giving yourself your best chance - AND you’ll learn the skills while you are at it - then a SAF review or interview confidence coaching is a top investment in your career. You can learn more about my online course for teachers who are job hunting here.
It might not work
If you invest in yourself and you believe that it won’t work - well then, it won’t! Remain open to receiving opportunities - ones you’ve been hoping for and unexpected ones and you never know what might happen!
The system is rigged
There are things in the education system that don’t make sense - that’s for sure! However, SOME things DO work. Excellent teachers get jobs. Teachers are being encouraged to grow and engage in cpd which they can choose to put into action. Cpd is becoming more and more accessible. Droichead continues to support teachers and slowly, coaching is being employed in schools to help teachers and school leaders develop personally and professionally.
NQTs only get maternity leaves
Oh - this is a common one I see. If you really want a fixed term - don’t let your inner gremlin convince you that you should take a maternity leave post. NQTs get fixed terms and years ago - my friend got a permanent post straight out of college. We were so jealous - haha - but things have a way of working themselves out.
I'm happy to sub
Similar to the above. Enter the job season with a belief that you will get what you want. If that’s subbing - great. If that’s a maternity leave - great. If that’s a fixed-term post - great. Aim to be open to your highest wish - Best of luck to you as you apply for jobs.
Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs - will be a wonderful support to you as you apply for jobs. Learn all about it here.
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