The Standard Application Form: What do I write in the non-accredited courses section?

The Non-Accredited courses section of the SAF can lead to confusion as to what to write in this section. The short answer; anything from webinars you have attended to summer courses you have availed of in order to increase your skillset. The difference with these qualifications or awards, is that these are extra to the requirements of your teacher-training course and are often undertaken on your own personal time. Courses like these come under the banner of CPD - Continual Professional Development.
Medical skills / life-saving skills
Perhaps you are a first-aider and have always wanted to be able to help others should you be called on to do so. First-aiders are often people who feel that they can stay calm and help others in a time of need. Imagine how good that will look on your application to the interviewer; the possibility of having another member of the school staff who can be called on to help should medical assistance be required. A person who is also cool under pressure and can be relied on. If you are a lifeguard, have undertaken orienteering courses or are a volunteer firefighter, be sure to say so on your SAF.
Summer Courses
Pick and choose the most interesting and relevant Summer Courses youâve done over the years and put them in this section if youâre an experienced teacher. It helps the reader get a sense for your top interests/areas of expertise when it comes to what you can offer. One tip here though: Only include the courses that you can still remember some key content. Employers want to know that you are doing courses that have informed your teaching style and practise and that you have put into ACTION in your classroom.
Computer skills
You might be an avid coder or have a keen interest in technology. If you have undertaken courses to that effect, these skills might be of great use in the school you are applying to. You may think that everyone possesses the same skills that you find so easy to master, but this is not the case at all for many. As technology advances and is ever-present in schools, you will be a great asset to any school! Be sure to highlight your skills and show them off in your SAF.
These past two years have seen a huge increase in the range of webinars available to teaching professionals. If you have attended webinars and taken your own time to gain knowledge that would be of use to you as a teaching professional, and to a school leader, be sure to add these to your SAF also. By attending webinars, you will be demonstrating that you were not to be held back form your own Continual Professional Development just because the world has changed temporarily.
I hope this blog piece has cleared up any confusion you have felt over this section of the SAF. Use it to shine and demonstrate all of the talents and skills you have gained so far.
More resources for filling in your SAF:
Selling Yourself - The Complete Course for Applying for Teaching Jobs
My NQT Guide âNQTs - Acing Your Job Applications - An All-in 1 Guideâ is a fantastic asset for teachers applying for jobs. Learn more about it here.
Selling Yourself - Confident CV, SAF and Letter of Application Preparation
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