Interview questions for leadership roles in education

If you’re preparing for leadership roles in education, then having a list of up-to-date interview questions is a must!
Read on to find out the questions shared as recent questions they’ve experienced - by some of my clients.
Give a brief outline of any relevant experience both before and after you became a teacher.
Describe how you would work with the BOM, department and other stakeholders involved in the school.
Serious behaviour incident - how would you deal with it as the principal?
What would you do to involve parents?
Explain your vision for the school.
How would you manage an underperforming teacher?
How would you involve a reluctant teacher in a new initiative or a change?
Did you ever have an initiative that didn’t work, why?
How would you allow others to take on leadership roles/responsibilities?
How would you manage SSE across the team?
How would you cater for the spiritual development of the children?
If you had to write a new RE programme tomorrow what would you include/exclude?
How would you deal with a child protection disclosure?
What key skills do you have to make you a good leader?
As DP how would you work with the principal?
Scenarios: 1) A child fell on the yard and was hurt 2) The boiler has broken down and the heat not working 3) An angry parent at the door - how would you manage that? and 4) you receive an anonymous letter to the school saying that there is systemic bullying taking place in a certain class - what do you do? 5) A parent wants their child to be moved from one class to the other class at that level because their child and teacher do not get on - what do you do?
How would you work with staff to ensure that the teaching and learning is developing throughout the school?
Give us an example of how you have monitored and evaluated the effectiveness of an area of the curriculum.
How would you evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in a school?
When did you adopt a different approach in leadership style and what did you notice?
How would you deal with an underperforming teacher/staff member?
* In my free guide ‘7 Steps to Communicate Effectively in Interviews, Showcase Your Experience and Strive For Growth’ - I give you 5 full-length sample answers to guide you to create your own LAOS-based answers and personal reflection tools to think about for your interview stories. You can download it👉 here.
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