How do I know which company to go for and which NQT guide to invest in?

There are lots of options available for teachers right now and it can seem a bit confusing! I get that. You may have questions like
Which company should I go with (Haha - Go with ME obviously!)
How much do I need to invest?
What if I'm not getting the results that I want?
How do I know if what I'm doing is working or not?
Today's blog will help you address many of those concerns.
1. Which company/online guide should I invest in?
There are loads of amazing supports out there now from teachers on various paths. I wish I had those insights a few years ago. You'll know from my blogs and online posts that my approach is the simple approach. Use your stories as a basis to remember what you want to say in interviews. Others have different approaches - some give interview answers - but my approach is to equip teachers with excellent tools to create genuine, real answers based on their teaching experience. It's a simple but effective and honest way and best of all - your answers are easy to remember!
Always make sure that whomever you invest in - has a background in interviews, recruitment, personal qualities and is known for being a good listener - so that they are helping you create authentic interview answers.
2. How much do I need to invest?
This depends on your budget. Personally, I recommend that my clients /customers spend EARLY so that they make the most of their applications from the get-go. My job application guide is a fantastic starting point if you have a smaller budget. The next step up is my online course - 'Selling Yourself - The Complete Course For Applying for Teaching Jobs' is even more detailed. It gives more tips and I guide you using short videos and downloads on how to create an impressive SAF, CV and Letter of Application. Finally, my 1-1 services are my premium service for teachers. This means that I work 1-1 with you to work on your job applications, I make it my business to answer all of your questions and concerns and I encourage you to come back to me if you feel that your SAF is not selling you as best as it could. Being a premium service means that my 1-1 clients get premium support. There is a price level for everyone.
3. What if I'm not getting the results that I want?
In early August I always get nervous teachers looking for SAF Reviews and I reassure them 1. That there is a great likelihood that their experience of job hunting may have nothing to do with their job application - but it is just the system and the high demand for jobs in July and 2. That I can help them - if there's anything in their form that can be improved!
As mentioned above, I always prioritize my 1-1 clients and ensure that their job applications get them RESULTS - they are free to get back to me if they have fears that they are not getting interviews (if after 15+ job applications have been sent and they aren't getting interviews). Premium pricing means that my clients get premium support.
4. How do I know if what I'm doing is working or not?
In 'Selling Myself - The Complete Course For Applying For Teaching Jobs' I show course participants how to measure their success rate when applying for jobs. If your success rate (number of interview offers) is low - less than 10-20% then there is room for a lot of improvement. Watch the number of schools you apply to and the number of interviews that you're called to and you'll know how well your SAF is performing.
A good way to think about it - is to take an overview of each summer and ask yourself - How much am I willing to invest in my career to make it 1. easier? and 2. the process more efficient?Then you may like to ask - how much does my mindset come into play when I'm applying for jobs? If you answered these in a positive way to these questions - then you know you and I will be a good fit.
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