


Series: Awkward Teaching Interview Questions - Part 2

In the second post in my series about the questions that can be difficult to answer in an interview, is one where we are asked to be our own critic.

What are your weaknesses?

You may be wondering why an interviewer is looking for you to reveal weaknesses when surely, they expect only the most confident of responses from a good interviewee. Perhaps you are the one who is reluctant to show any weakness at all in an interview. We are all human; we all have our weaknesses.

Why ask?

Interviewers use this…

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Series: Awkward Teaching Interview Questions - Part 1

It is so gratifying to get that call to interview. All of the hard work you put into your SAF and CV has paid off. You are ready now to go and get that dream teaching job. It is well worth considering how you might answer some of the more complex questions commonly asked at interviews. Let’s start with one of the most difficult to answer; why you left/are leaving your latest position.

Why do you want to leave your current position? Why did you leave your last job?

This can be a tricky one! You are…

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Deputy Principal Interview Questions

The role of Deputy Principal is a position of great responsibility and support for all members of staff. If you have been chosen for an interview, it is a good idea to prepare yourself for the myriad of questions that you may be asked. Put yourself in the position of the interviewer; what is she or he looking for in ‘a next in command’ and how can you show that you have the requisite skills and attributes to be that person. Here are a few questions to help you reflect.

Leading Teaching and Learni…

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4 ‘CV Dos’

4 ‘CV Dos’

Your CV is a snapshot of your experience to date. This snapshot should be clear and concise, and when done effectively, 2 pages are certainly enough to convey all that you need a potential employer to know.

Here are some handy tips to help you lay out your CV in an effective way

1. If you have little/no subbing experience, DO put your current Teaching experience or Teaching Placements before your Education section.

An employer wants to know what kind of teaching experience you have. We can assume t…

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4 ‘CV Dos’

Conflict in School - How to Tackle that Interview Question

The purpose of this question is to check whether or not you can resolve a tricky situation.

Some of the skills necessary here are tact, courage, listening, understanding and communication.

It’s a good idea to outline a situation (even if it’s a minor one) if you can.
Experiencing conflict with a parent, colleague or member of management is tricky. Ignoring it won't solve it so it's up to you to address the issue (courage) in a way that shows that you have understanding, empathy and good communicat…

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My journey to job security - Bernie Woods

In today’s blog in the series where we feature posts from teachers in permanent and CID positions, we hear from Bernie Woods, The Meaningful Múinteoir.

How did you get the job you are in right now?

I saw the job for a permanent resource teacher advertised. I completed teaching practice in the school so I knew I would be very happy there. I wanted to move closer to home at some stage in the future. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to do so.

How many contracts did you have before you became perman…

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CV dont

5 CV Don’ts

Here are the most common mistakes I see when I am reviewing CVs with my clients.

1. Don't name your CV - Curriculum Vitae. Imagine the email inbox of your potential employer…if they get 25 applications for a job and your CV is effectively anonymous as you have named it Curriculum Vitae instead of adding your own name to the document title, how are they to find your CV in the event that they want to consider you for interview? You risk being overlooked as a busy principal really does not have the …

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My pet peeves

My pet peeves about the Primary Teaching Standard Application Form

The Primary Teaching SAF is a very important document and it is important to fill it in correctly. I find that there are sections of the form that could do with some updating and candidates can find the layout a bit confusing, especially if it is their first time doing so. I help my clients to produce impressive SAFs and here are some of the areas of the form that I would like to see changed.

Professional Development

There are too many lines here I reckon, and it would make it so much tidier if th…

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Mock Interview Preparation

Common Interview Topics for Teaching Jobs - Mock Interview Preparation

Being a teacher is a very important role and potential employers will have certain things in mind when they are looking to select just the right person for a job in their school. No more than any other particular skill or trade out there, there are certain aspects of a teaching role that a potential employer will want to ask you about. By considering how you might go about answering these common questions in advance, you can do a lot to make yourself feel more at ease when the actual interview c…

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Commit to securing a job

Commit to securing a job - How my new online course can bag you the job.

Towards the end of last week, there was a real buzz about the place, with teachers getting in touch with me, asking for CV and SAF Reviews. For sure, teachers are preparing themselves for all the positions that will be opening up over the next 6 weeks and beyond!

Are you one of these teachers?!

If you are one of these teachers who will be applying for positions in the next few weeks, you will need to make sure that your CV and SAF are as good as they can be. These documents afford you a great oppo…

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