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FAQs: The Teachers’ Promotion Club
You’ve asked so, here are the FAQs about The Teachers’ Promotion Club.
What are the benefits of joining a membership like The Teachers’ Promotion Club?
An increased sense of community – Right now you may not have a community around you who know about your ambition, who can share your path and desire to lead others – being involved in this group will mean that you have teachers to bounce ideas off of and who share your aspirations and are on their own journey.
Coaching – In the group sessions, there…
5 reasons to read the Looking at Our Schools 2016 Document
The Looking at Our Schools Framework is an excellent document to help teachers assess their readiness for leadership progression and as a reflection tool for teachers to evaluate where they are excelling and where they may need to focus more of their attention on to ensure that they are providing the best education necessary for their pupils.
Here are 5 reasons to read the Looking at Our Schools (LAOS) 2016 document
1. To assess how your career is developing
In which areas am I satisfactory and …. …
THE Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) that every principal wants
Today’s blog is another guest blog post from Kerry based Principal Patrick Crean who has 7 years experience as a principal. He tells us all about the qualities he likes to see in NQTs to his school and that are valued by principals in schools in general.
One of the biggest lessons that I have learned over the years from being principal is the importance of recruitment. To put it very simply; successful recruitment is the single biggest action that a school can take to improve its teaching and lea…
Diary of a teacher career changer
I've finally found the courage to label my stage in life at the moment as a 'career change', not a career break or time out to travel or time to think but now is about changing career for me. My time in UCD's Innovation Academy has equipped me with the knowledge and that courage. It seems a huge step but many of my classmates are doing the same thing and so will I!
I will outline firstly, my recent wave of self-reflection and self-care leading to a realisation of my strengths and weaknesses. Se…
5 Mistakes to Avoid as you Begin your Teaching Career
Embarking on your NQT year can be full-on. Getting used to a new school, new colleagues, new pupils and new routines, can send your head in a spin! I didn't even have a proper place to stay for the first week of my first job as a qualified teacher! Think.. grotty hostel and you may get some idea of what my nightly 'refuge' was like after my working day was over! Luckily, that didn't last too long!
Giving 100%
In my first year of teaching, I began my NQT year laminating everything; the printer flyi…
‘Looking at our schools’ interview questions
Using the 4 leadership domains from the Looking at Our Schools document is an excellent starting point from which to prepare for leadership interviews in education. Look at the domains (not as a rigid structure) but for BOMs and Interviewers to use as a framework from which to compose questions. Here I outline some questions and the domains under which they may fall under.
Leading Teaching and Learning
1. In what way have you used a curriculum area or other to promote a culture of improvement, col…
Things I like about the Primary level SAF
While I know that it can be frustrating for teachers at times, I am in favour of the form in general. Here are some reasons I feel that the Standard Application Form is a good idea.
The 3 x 150 word questions are short and functional. If it’s of primary importance that the BOM want to find out if you’re competent, can follow the school ethos and are happy to teach the school religious ethos - then the SAF does a good job at eliciting that information from you.
The universal nature of the form - At…
Standard Application Form Reviews – The quick and easy way to get a teaching job
As a career coach, I have reviewed hundreds of Standard Application Forms for clients and I see many kinds of errors that can be avoided by having your SAF reviewed by a professional. Things like grammar and spelling mistakes, making your form look drab and dreary leading to troubles scanning the document and not giving yourself credit can impact how an employer sees your form.
The Employer’s View
I have spoken to many interviewers over the years, and they have informed me of the errors they see t…
Series: Awkward Interview Questions - Part 5
How do you respond to criticism?
Constructive criticism in the workplace is often delivered by more experienced members of staff who have learned from experience and they are generously providing you with this knowledge in order to help you. The same goes for constructive criticism you may receive from not getting the job you interviewed for. You can learn from these instances to grow as a person and also to get it right the next time you are faced with a similar situation.
Answering the question.…
Series: Awkward Interview Questions - Part 4
What are your strengths?
It is not always easy to speak about yourself to a stranger. It is especially difficult when that stranger is a potential employer. Do you fear that you will come across as bragging or big-headed if you tell them exactly why you are a great candidate and that you have so much to offer? You should absolutely sing your own praises in an interview! How is your interviewer to know what you have to offer if you don’t tell them?!
Your strengths in a school setting.
The interviewe…
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