


What to ask for the ‘Do you have any Questions for Us?’ question

When I went for interviews in the past, I always dreaded one question in particular.. ‘ Do you have any questions for us?’ Though I KNEW I should have something interesting or profound to ask, I often resorted to ‘When can I hope to hear back from you?’

Changing your mindset

Once I realised that this question was my chance to find out some information about the school, I found that there were many questions I could ask. I could ask about how the school was run, if they had a particular kind of per…

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Top CV Tips for Teachers - Writing a Personal Statement

Whether you’re applying for a job on or creating a CV for substitute work an important element to your CV is a personal statement. A well written, self-aware and authentic personal statement (or professional summary) can be a fantastic way to sell yourself when looking for jobs or handing your CV around looking for substitute work.

Firstly, I should say that a personal statement or professional summary and I suggest that if you haven’t put thought and effort into wh…

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A career break experience – taking the time to figure out what you want

A career break experience – taking the time to figure out what you want

Many thanks to the wonderful Aistear Muinteoir for sharing her career break story with us. Availing of a career break is a fantastic opportunity to press pause on full time teaching in the classroom to take a chance to travel, look after your family and try out something different. Here is her experience.

Taking stock of where you are right now

Christmas and the New Year is always a time for reflection and planning. This time last year as I was relaxing during my Christmas break - I began asking m…

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3 Simple Tips to Create Balance between Job Applications, Work and Living Life

3 Simple Tips to Create Balance between Job Applications, Work and Living Life

One of the big frustrations my clients have when they come to me for coaching is striking that balance between work, home life and job applications.

The reason they are so frustrated is that applying for jobs…. is a job in itself.

Many of my clients have…

  • a full time job and are balancing that with family,

  • household chores and

  • trying to do some ‘normal’ things like exercising and

  • catching up with friends and

  • filling out application forms

It really is a challenging time!

So what can you do to make this a …

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“I want to change career, who can help me?”

This is a common question I see popping up amongst career changers. They want to change, but they're STUCK.

STUCK in the problem.
STUCK not knowing what to do.
STUCK because their current job gives them financial security and they can't afford to leave.
STUCK because they fear change.
STUCK because they're unsure of who can help them.

Well... I CAN HELP!

‘Unstick’ Yourself
Firstly, unstick yourself from the problem. If you imagine your career discontentment as a dot in the middle of an A4 page.... the…

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I want to change career - who can help me?

“I want to change career - who can help me?”

This is a common question I see popping up amongst career changers. They want to change but they're STUCK.

  • STUCK in the problem.

  • STUCK not knowing what to do.

  • STUCK because their current job gives them financial security and they can't afford to leave.

  • STUCK because they fear change.

  • STUCK because they're unsure of who can help them.

Well... I CAN HELP!

Firstly, unstick yourself from the problem.

If you imagine the problem as a small dot in the middle of an A4…

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